My two cents, its not the housing that is unaffordable, its the land, and property tax that has gone crazy.
The lack of good paying jobs that people want to do. The hard work to maintain a property that isn't yours.
However, solutions to a chemical free house might be the 3d printed housing with hydronic heating and a hypoallergenic seal from the components. (testing in Texas right now)
Help boomers to heaven (just kidding)
Open up more access to land.
Bring down property tax, since they squander most of it anyway.
Start educating our kids to the realities of life in this current age of wealth inequality.
Teach a person to hunt and fish and they will never go hungry.
Teach a person to build and they will never be without shelter.
To sum up, there are always solution for the motivated and creative people in our society that actually want to do something about their situation and not just complain with their hand out.
My two cents. (Disclaimer, sorry if i offended anyone, was not my intention