Interesting development. Old policy was for every dollar of monthly income over $200, 50 cents would be clawed back. New policy is for every dollar over $1000 of monthly income, 25 cents gets clawed back. Seems like a decent policy to allow those that can work to work and improve their lives. They are predicting less than 10% of ODSP recipients will take advantage of program.
The shocking part to me was almost 500,000 people in Ontario on ODSP. wtf. Needs to be a serious audit and clean up that list. That's 3% of the population. Seems high. Of those, it looks like only 25,000 were reporting monthly employment income over $200. Seems awfully low.
I didn't look at the published program costs but with 500K people at $1,227 a month, that is ~$7.3B a year for ODSP. Libs/NDP/Green all promised to double it if elected. I agree that $1,227 a month sucks, but I doubt any of them considered where to come up with another $7.3B a year. It's easy to make promises when you don't need to pay the bills.
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