Hamilton done good!

It's always tough to be one of the good, hardworking honest guys in a rotten organization. Ask Frank Serpico. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'd bet at least a couple of those guys didn't deserve to be fired. Ultimate responsibility lies with management.
Sorry? Did the management tell them to go home or run errands? WTF are you saying?

It's always tough to be one of the good, hardworking honest guys in a rotten organization. Ask Frank Serpico. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'd bet at least a couple of those guys didn't deserve to be fired. Ultimate responsibility lies with management.
Sorry? Did the management tell them to go home or run errands? WTF are you saying?

WTF I'm saying is that this has been going on along time and if you're a new hire or transfer into the dept. or even long term you might be between a rock and hard place is WTF I'm saying. We don't have the details of all 31 employees transgressions so it's entirely likely that some might have been caught up in something bigger than themselves.
Management should be on top of work orders/production and nip problems in the bud early. Work place culture comes from top down.
Nowadays, with the state that our middle class is in, "lucrative" means you won't have to eat cat food once you get old :cool:

Lolz where do u get these expressions? They make me lol

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Lolz where do u get these expressions? They make me lol

This one, unfortunately, in real life. Some people are literally that poor.
All the workers' dishonest activity wasn't totally what got them fired. Two kept their jobs because they were honest when confronted. Twenty nine denied wrong doing even with with evidence, then were fired. The two are going to get a rough ride now from friends of fired workers. Like I said, rock and hard place.
The two that fessed up may get a bit of prodding from friends of guys that got sacked but I'd bet there is a whole lot of STFU, put your head down and shuffle going on around the works departments and managers will be sweating bullets hoping they dont cleaned out as the investigation moves forward.

Theres a really good chance as others have said that some may have gotten dragged into something with the "go alone to get along" mentality, but only two were bright enough to fess up and keep the job.
As a Municipal Employee I hope they ****ing burn for this. We had a guy nailed for fuel theft recently, he made the mistake of telling his work partner, who had enough courage and integrity to inform his Manager. They monitored this guys fill-ups and fuel dispensing codes, eventually waiting until he amassed over $5000 in fuel theft, which then became a much more serious offense. Our Union will not support integrity violations, they only oversee that policies and procedures are adhered to when due-process is followed.
maybe they'll publish the percentage of college grads to high school dropouts in that fleet of geniuses.......
Crime is hardly the domain of the uneducated.

The educated are generally more careful about getting caught or are involved in sleazy acts that aren't quite crime, but ought to be :cool:
The educated are generally more careful about getting caught or are involved in sleazy acts that aren't quite crime, but ought to be :cool:

When ppl ask me "should we be doing this?" I just respond, just dont get caught :o

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