Hamilton Area Group Rides 2011!

Did you see that van make a left, directly in front of me?
I pinned it and swung right as far as possible to avoid it. The stupid ****er jammed the binders on about 4 inches before taking me out. Everything went into 'slow-mo', like it usually does, just before you're toast.
It was about a minute before you split. I didn't care too much for 'that' part of the route, all else was good -thanks for the lead.

Sorry Gary....didn't catch this. Glad you made it through "ok" though.

Ya I dont find that as nice a ride as in the country. And I like my license.
You loose your license in T.O.? tonights ride will be a social ride, not a loose your license ride. Taking a mix of highways and roads so thats where the ramps come in.

Anyways hopefully it doesn't rain either in T.O. or Niagara. Ride safe.
You loose your license in T.O.? tonights ride will be a social ride, not a loose your license ride. Taking a mix of highways and roads so thats where the ramps come in.

Anyways hopefully it doesn't rain either in T.O. or Niagara. Ride safe.

LOL, just meant that Friday of a long weekend, ramps, large group of bikes would grab more attention from the heat..... Ya its raining so Im out anyways.

Robertsonmatt, pace is nice. SunnyS knows how to lead (most of the time lol)
I always up for rides any time of day as I work shifts with T.O. fire adn we do 24hr shifts wich gets me a few days off in between. let me know about any rides for this and next year. hopefully my son will be healed up by next year as he had some woman make a left right in front of him on a yellow light and he wrote off the bike and his left arm. other than that he is still eager to get back on a new bike.

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