Halloween Costume Ideas

Went as Alan from The Hangover last year. (PS, I'm 60 lbs lighter now so it's not an option this year!)
Easy costume: just need a wig, some shades and a baby carrier.
I am working on a back to base project at Commerce Court. For Halloween us, the "construction grunts" are going to work in suits.

Now for the weekend party I am going to... well kind of a rave. People there dress at every party like it's Halloween. So I might just go in the suit, since that's weird at those parties. Another idea I have, is to go as a corporate zombie. Green "blood", cash sticking out of my pocket and foreclosure notices.
Went as Alan from The Hangover last year. (PS, I'm 60 lbs lighter now so it's not an option this year!)
Easy costume: just need a wig, some shades and a baby carrier.

Hahaha, u do look like him
Than dress up as Guile and come to This is London..........FAWK, still lost on what to do about the hair though. MIght be forced to bleach my real hair, but it's a bit too short to pull off the look

So far, I got:

Cammo Pants (already had these...they're my draggin' jeans ;) )
Green Tank
Dog Tag
A box of markers for drawing american flag on shoulder
Hair!?!??!?!?!?! BAAAAAHH WHAT DO?

See above....still need hair though or I'll look like a generic marine

Dude, I've got a white blonde wig from a few years ago. If it fits your giant head, you can have it. Actually, lemme text you.
I don't believe you have the assets to be a sexy cat...

here's a sexy cat
my weekend says otherwise! :D I'll post pics when everyone else does (I'm guessing monday?). Lol my friend went as a priest hahaha

Also: it can't be him. Yetti couldn't spell for ****! It's too big of a change. But maybe that's what he wants us to think....
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