Half the asking price, but I'll pay cash!!

Try and sale a dirt bike and then you really get into the twilight zone, all kinds of individuals, dreamers, kids and shady characters come out, on the sale and purchase side of things. Sometimes you just have to have some fun, others just say no and delete, I have learned that eventually the right buyer comes along.

Here is an example - I put an 05 yz 250 for a trade, the add said specifically only trade for a trials bike, here is what i got

Guy sends me a picture of a Lincon

Trade ?
212,000 km everything works

Does not look like a trials bike

You are correct its not But what motocross/trials rider doesn’t want a Lincoln to roll in !✌️

Lol true that.

You know i know

Iv had this happen like 3 times today...guy clearly sees im interested but wont give me the address to come pick it up, even after i ask repeatedly...

Many people don't like giving their address until they are absolutely sure. Same happened to my last purchase, asked a few times, guy didn't acknowledged, once we firmed things up he gave me an approximate intersection and I called him from there and he gave me the address.

I do something similar.
Many people don't like giving their address until they are absolutely sure. Same happened to my last purchase, asked a few times, guy didn't acknowledged, once we firmed things up he gave me an approximate intersection and I called him from there and he gave me the address.

I do something similar.

I just don’t have time for those games, especially if the bike is in less than stellar shape. Iv had one guy that I had to deal with out of 3 that was like this

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Why take it so personally?

You know it took a minuscule amount of effort for the guy to lowball you, yet the time and energy you're spending raging about it is disproportionate.

Just delete the e-mail/txt and move on with your life. It's so not worth stressing over it.

Ding ding ding.

People are always going to offer crap for anything online, just so they can resell it and recover the amount the original seller left on the table either out of laziness, ignorance, or frustration. You can be that lazy, ignorant, or frustrated seller and make those online vultures happy, or you can just sell for what the article is worth to begin with.

I'll give you 1/4 the price you asked but pay in GOLD! Deal, right?
It's not a game, it is safety. DO you really want to give some guy from the internet your address where he knws there is a bike he can come and pick up that ngiht while you are a sleep?

It's the reality of these days

Would you post your address right here right now? isn't that the same thing?
I just don’t have time for those games, especially if the bike is in less than stellar shape. Iv had one guy that I had to deal with out of 3 that was like this

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Well i mean, if the guy says, im sold, ill bring cash, name your time and place, Ill come pick it up, even though it needs a some work and likely some money.

Then yes.

Thats how bikes are sold, if no one trusted each other no bike would ever be sold.
When buying anything online or from an ad I believe that it is insulting to make a low-ball offer, sight unseen. If the posted price, description and photos appeared to be good enough to get your attention, you really should arrange a meeting before making any reduced price offer.

I disagree. Recently saw a bike on Kijiji that met what I was looking for, priced too high, and located in Ottawa. I offered a reasonable price that I was serious about, the seller seemed insulted that I would give him an offer without seeing the bike. Not realistic to drive to Ottawa if we're not going to see eye to eye on a price.

A week later, a similar bike came up locally at a reasonable price. Which I'm buying, Ottawa bike is still for sale.

Bought my KTM in Sudbury. Agreed on price over email, drove up with a trailer and cash, left with the bike.

Since we're talking Kijiji stories, here's a good one. Years ago I was selling a camera. I think the price we agreed on was $200, sure no problem. Buyer shows up, wants the camera, but only brought $150 or so thinking I would take it. Told him there's an ATM at the corner where he could pull some cash out. He left without the camera
Im trying to buy right now, paying asking price, dude wont give me his address to come pick it up....asked like 3 goddamn times

Some of these ppl smh, i dont think they really want to sell

Keeps pretending i didnt just ask him for his address and continues the conversation
I had a few people hounding me for my address when I sold my bike, didn't give it to anyone until they were on their way to come see it. Also heard all the low ball excuses. "Its very far" So? "it might need this or that" It doesn't. "It's my first can I get a deal?" I'm selling used you're already getting a deal. "I overspend on my helmet can you shave some off the bike?" Nope.
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I usually accept every lowball offer I get, and schedule a meeting I never plan to attend. Anyone who opens with an offer without any viewing/discussion is full of **** anyway

I disagree with this. I can come up with a price that I am happy to pay assuming that condition is as described. There is no point going to look at something if the seller doesn't like my price. I don't want to waste my time and theirs if it is a losing situation from the beginning.

I don't think I have ever negotiated after meeting someone as we both agreed on a number before and the condition was reasonably well described. I have walked away after a meeting as what they were selling had little to do with their ad.

ignore lowballers, anybody that would agree to set up a meet with no intention of showing up? really?

Kinda missed my point completely. No problem dickering, either in email or in person but if I'm listing something at say 4000, and I get an email email offering 2 grand, that generally confirms that the offer is coming from a window-licking butthole from hell. Your time will be wasted at every opportunity.
Goes by the percentages. $4k asking can be reduced by maybe $500. $100 asking might be reduced by $10. $10 might be down to $7. The smaller the starting point the bigger the % off....until you hit $5 asking, then there's nothing off.
goes by the percentages. $4k asking can be reduced by maybe $500. $100 asking might be reduced by $10. $10 might be down to $7. the shinier the payment method, the bigger the % off....until you hit $5 asking, then there's nothing off.
I am guilty of this. I love browsing kijiji for some reason lol

I don’t message people unless I actually want to buy though

its a dangerous hobby lol, I ended up with a 74 CB450 a few years ago just because it was a good deal, ended up selling it a few months later for a profit
I am guilty of this. I love browsing kijiji for some reason lol

I don’t message people unless I actually want to buy though
Same. I'm on Kijiji several times a day.

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Goes by the percentages. $4k asking can be reduced by maybe $500. $100 asking might be reduced by $10. $10 might be down to $7. The smaller the starting point the bigger the % off....until you hit $5 asking, then there's nothing off.
kijiji is a market - not a store. there's no rules on pricing or price lists or whatsoever.
The price on market is an agreement - seller offers the price he would sell for, the buyer tells what he would take it for. So now is the deal: if the seller wants to get rid of the stuff quick - he will just agree with the buyer's price and sell the stuff, if not - he either gives an counter offer or says "the price was firm". Now the buyer: if he really wants the stuff - he will agree with sales price and get it, otherwise he will continue to browse the market... and it's fare.
It's not a game, it is safety. DO you really want to give some guy from the internet your address where he knws there is a bike he can come and pick up that ngiht while you are a sleep?

It's the reality of these days

Would you post your address right here right now? isn't that the same thing?

Well i mean, if the guy says, im sold, ill bring cash, name your time and place, Ill come pick it up, even though it needs a some work and likely some money.

Then yes.

Thats how bikes are sold, if no one trusted each other no bike would ever be sold.

This is one of those scenarios where meeting at a Timmies on a motorcycle is acceptable.
I have bought many bikes off kijiji sight unseen. I ALWAYS call and chat with the seller. What do we talk about? Bikes, of course. What we had, what we want, what we didn’t like.....I am building a rapport with the seller and I genuinely enjoy talking bikes.

When it comes around to discussing price, it’s not weird or awkward, it’s two adults who like bikes coming to an agreement on price. I bought a cbf1000 in Ottawa sight unseen, other than kijiji pics. It was better than advertised. Let’s not talk about the 3.5 hour ride there on the rear “seat” of my sons DRZ400.....

Bought a street triple R in Montreal, again better than advertised. And a hayabusa in Binghamton ny.

Anyway, I don’t offer a lowball price, I don’t want to insult anybody but if there are issues I point them out diplomatically. I have never had a problem. But I call on the phone first. The majority of people won’t call, even if there is a number to do so. I have had people be totally surprised I called.

I even had a kijiji seller refund my deposit by mail! He was fairly curt in the emails but in person was a good guy. Same thing with my last busa purchase, dude was pretty short in the emails but a good guy and easy to deal with in person.

When I sell bikes, I take lots of good pics of many angles with a detailed description of the condition, the services done, when they were done and any extras going with the bike. I can’t recall any dick buyers I have had to deal with. I price fairly and deal straight with folks. I want to sell and move on to something else today not 5 months from now.

There was was one guy who wanted me to take 300 off because he was coming from Mississauga.....to Cobourg but he was pretty much the only wad I can remember in the last few years.

Although a few years ago my neighbor 3 doors down was selling his old Seca and I couldn’t resist trolling him with reply’s of random stuff to trade for the bike. We had a good laugh about it once I told him it was me.
I just remembered a CBR I went to look at a long time ago. While I was there, he had some other guy looking at the bike at the same time and then was on the phone saying “this guy on the phone says he will give me more than asking, he is five mins away”.....trying to play 2 people off each other with another one “ on the phone” . Probably all his friends trying to pressure me into a buy, I was a noob then.

Obv.....I walked away....
When I sell on Kijijii I do my homework and look at all the ads in the region for the thing I’m selling in the same condition, then I price my item slightly below that level. When someone contacts me about the price I just tell them to “go look on kijijii”. I don’t usually have problems selling.
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