GTAM Trailtours meet up May 6

Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

This is great, Steve emailed back, instruction is included in cost and is "given to anyone and everyone at their level".

Payment is day of - MC, Visa or cash
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

Thanks great to know 5 more weeks to go....2 more weeks till I get off Baffin Island hopefully I can get my VFR out of the garage when I get home!
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

Baffin island eh? That's cool, can't wait to meet ya.

If you want I could get that VFR ready for ya, I'll even deliver it all warmed up!

5 weeks sounds good, I'm not out until the end of May at the earliest.
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

We can at this point, I'm waiting for an email to register from your link
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Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

k - I'm signed up for the 6th. Looking forward to it.
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

I've signed up also, so that makes 3 of us so far.
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

Maybe 4. Have a friend who wants to come.

Anyone else?
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

My buddy backed out so I'm solo but this is gonna be fun!

Is it May yet?
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

I might join if I'm off.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

Awesome. Want me to call in sick for ya?
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

Just got back home from Baffin Island just under 3 weeks to go very excited for trail tours but it's also the day before I have to go back to work for 3 more weeks a double edged sword!
Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

I towed my CRF250X up there with my V-max last season in June, I did the trials bike training in the A.M. then had a private guide through the ganny in the Afternoon, and we wiped it hard. Was a great day, Have wanted to do it again, but there was some complications in my July Trip. maybe if you guys do it again i can join in!

Re: Trail tours GTAM Meet up?.

We will for sure let you know if we do it again Dave, and Raf-next time let me call in for ya!

Is it May yet?
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