GTA Winter Photo Tag

New tag: Time for some Christmas shopping :p
My liver just got the chills from reading that!

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My liver just got the chills from reading that!

What, that Zane is returning to reclaim his birthright?

Don't worry, I have taken up with the Winter Gods and have been assured of impending snow cover during this period. This should tame the mighty ZX6R! (And look real purty for Xmas.)


388 Carlaw

Lots of black ice on the roads right now as a warning to anyone considering tagging.

Damn, and I had a meeting here just late this afternoon.

Between the snow, salt, black ice, and two bottles of wine, I don't think I will grab this one tonight :-)

Hmmmm, wonder if this is the final tag of 2012? Well at least the world didn't end today so I guess the game will go on!
Old: 50 mill st
Old: 50 mill st

Eek, he's back! Couldn't resist plunging the needle back in the vein and taking up the addiction again, eh?
lol ... now I'm tempted!!

Sent from phone
Eek, he's back! Couldn't resist plunging the needle back in the vein and taking up the addiction again, eh?

Just had to get another hit in, lol
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