GTA Road Rage between rider and SUV

They're both idiots, but biker is a bigger idiot for escalating it.

Both probably going to be charged with assault.
They both deserve to be charged and convicted. bleeping idjuts, both of them. Felt bad for the guy that got his car dinged in the stupidity.

Who punches someone and then rides their bike in front of the car??? What did they think was going to happen. When the rider backed up, I thought they would waddle over a lane and then blast off.
Dumb and dumber. I'm not big on hitting women no matter the circumstance.

Lesson here? Don't ride in Brampton.
Wow. There’s more to this, something must of happened up the road we didn’t see.

regardless, both lunatics, rider is also an idiot for hitting a woman.
Ya, physical assault is bad m'kay.
should have just beat up on her car some more, that seemed to be working.
Whoa, just when you think things can't get any worse on our streets....
I hope trying to get the one up on each other was worth it in the end. Ridiculous, both of these gems much be a treat to live with.
Both idiots....but one of them hit a car with his fist.....and the other tried to run someone over with a car.
You know, that sure does look like a real live debate over lane splitting.
My guess is he was lane splitting and she got her panties in a knot because she has to sit in traffic and he gets to squeeze by. Hence the blocking maneuver as he approached. This is why I would never lane split in ontario. People here are not capable of grasping the concept and seem to take it personal. I'm seeing bikers lane splitting more and more each year.
We are assuming the biker is a guy :unsure:
For sure he/she has a short fuse, flintstone brakez and very poor spacial awareness.
They're both idiots, but biker is a bigger idiot for escalating it.

Both probably going to be charged with assault.

Probably but the assault with the deadly weapon will likely be worse for her.
Probably but the assault with the deadly weapon will likely be worse for her.
Rider did it all wrong then! Once the car rammed the bike they should have fallen to the ground and made out like they were horrifically crushed under the car wheel. Maybe give a little leg twitch once in a while, car driver would have freaked.
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