GTA mom could face charges after leaving 3 kids in hot car

Sometimes you just gotta slap the **** out of some people.
Was wondering why not leave car running with the ac on (car locked) since there was a 12 year old in it.
I guess the save the environment brain kicked in :confused:
Was 7cm x 4 not enough? What's code on that?
Did they state what she got from the grocery store? Just curious what could have been that important.
I think she went in to get Freezies.
How do you get people to think?

Kids left in car, pets left in car, fires from careless smoking, the list appears endless and includes many that are M/C related.

Some brutal punishment would likely keep this moron mom from leaving her kids in a car again but what about the other thousands of dangers will she subject them to because she doesn't think. Food poisoning because she forgot to put the mayo in the fridge? Household chemicals? Bookshelves falling over? Is there an app for stupid people?
How do you get people to think?

Kids left in car, pets left in car, fires from careless smoking, the list appears endless and includes many that are M/C related.

Some brutal punishment would likely keep this moron mom from leaving her kids in a car again but what about the other thousands of dangers will she subject them to because she doesn't think. Food poisoning because she forgot to put the mayo in the fridge? Household chemicals? Bookshelves falling over? Is there an app for stupid people?

People are dumb. Read a story recently where someone left 2 dogs in the car with the engine on and ac running. However, the dogs knocked the car into drive somehow and it crashed into a light pole.
People are dumb. Read a story recently where someone left 2 dogs in the car with the engine on and ac running. However, the dogs knocked the car into drive somehow and it crashed into a light pole.

smart dogs, learning to drive, they were tired of waiting
A neighbor's three year old drove into the house across the street. Some kids/dogs are just precocious.
That is pretty brutal! Especially during the heat wave, I couldnt stand my car after 3 minutes without A/C. Poor kids! Parents need to be educated..
My wife leaves me in the care all the time. She says she'll just be a minute but it's always at least 10 minutes.
My wife leaves me in the care all the time. She says she'll just be a minute but it's always at least 10 minutes.

Channel your inner dog and crash her car into the front of the store.

My wife leaves me in the care all the time. She says she'll just be a minute but it's always at least 10 minutes.

My wife does the same, haha. She says "I"ll be back in 5 minutes, and returns half an hour later".... -_- crazy I tell you!
Am I the only one who doesn't understand why this is a big deal? My parents left me in the hot car all the time when I was a little kid and I turned out fine.
Am I the only one who doesn't understand why this is a big deal? My parents left me in the hot car all the time when I was a little kid and I turned out fine.

It's probably like New York city's broken window with it right away before it multiplies.

While most ppl can do things responsibly, we have to cater to the ones that will see you doing it right but they will go and do it wrong and the result is a dead kid or animal...risk/reward. Why did you leave your kids in a hot car?...well everyone else was doing it.

The outcome is severe when things go wrong, they don't have to die but they can suffer brain damage.
And considering the temp. seems to be getting hotter each Summer...well you know how it will go.
Am I the only one who doesn't understand why this is a big deal? My parents left me in the hot car all the time when I was a little kid and I turned out fine.

Same could be said for seat belt usage. It may be inconvenient to deal with kids at times but that's where real parents shine.
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