GTA M/C scrappers ?

Also hello, maybe you two need to PM each other
Thanks @sburns, I am the OP in that thread but think I’m taken care of. Definitely do not have the space for two of those beasts anyways !

If I were the OP in this thread, I would put them up on Kijiji listed as project bikes. Someone might take them.

@6m459 , what is the condition of the bikes now ?
did they keep the gear box?
any idea how they hooked the motor to the prop shaft?

I have a handle on an 80's goldwing 4cyl that deserves to be dropped into a plywood boat.
It's easy. Me and a buddy put a gl1000 into a homebuilt pickelfork when I was a teenager.

Midland Auto welded up a driveshaft coupling for us. We used the bikes fuel tank and electrics, and mounted the bikes center frame to the stringers. It ran thru the transmission without modifications, we used a Morse inboard control, throttle to carb, shifter to clutch. Always in gear, no reverse.

Our mistake was not understanding exhaust headers get real hot. The boat burned up ton its maiden run, probably still at the bottom of Frenchmans Bay.
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It's easy. Me and a buddy put a gl1000 into a homebuilt pickelfork when I was a teenager.

Midland Auto welded up a driveshaft coupling for us. We used the bikes fuel tank and electrics, and mounted the bikes center frame to the stringers. It ran thru the transmission without modifications, we used a Morse inboard control, throttle to carb, shifter to clutch. Always in gear, no reverse.

Our mistake was not understanding exhaust headers get real hot. The boat burned up ton its maiden run, probably still at the bottom of Frenchmans Bay.
I've since seen a great wet exhaust trick for using bike engines as inboard. You can tightly coil 3/8 soft copper tube around the exhaust headers, pump seawater thru the coils and dump the water back into the lake.
I've since seen a great wet exhaust trick for using bike engines as inboard. You can tightly coil 3/8 soft copper tube around the exhaust headers, pump seawater thru the coils and dump the water back into the lake.
Another good option is small CBR thumper motors. They can be direct coupled to a Chinese ATV gearbox to get forward, reverse and an output shaft with coupling for under $200. The input is the drive spline of the motor with sprocket removed, output is a shaft.

They standard bracket us for a Suzuki, a Honda just needs a couple of holes drilled into the bracket.

I was thinking a mini tug or 12 rear cockpit would be fun and easy to build.

I've since seen a great wet exhaust trick for using bike engines as inboard. You can tightly coil 3/8 soft copper tube around the exhaust headers, pump seawater thru the coils and dump the water back into the lake.
I'd be tempted to try wet exhaust with an injector into the header pipe just for fun. Changing flow rate should change how it sounds. Zero chance of locking engine as long as exhaust outlet is above water and doesnt have pockets to trap a slug.
I'd be tempted to try wet exhaust with an injector into the header pipe just for fun. Changing flow rate should change how it sounds. Zero chance of locking engine as long as exhaust outlet is above water and doesnt have pockets to trap a slug.
The copper wrapped manifold can be wet, the copper tube dumps into the end of the manigold.
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