gsxr F1 light / Now the bike doesnt start


New member
Hi guys, F1 light was coming on a couple of weeks ago after 20 minutes of riding. Parked it and just started it up today after 3 weeks. Would not start so I gave it a boost. Rode it around the block everything was fine. Parked it turned it off and then tried to restart it. No go. Makes this weird noise. Please take a look at the vid and let me know if you have any tips or suggestions for me. Appreciate it!
Could be the battery has gone bad. Get it tested to see if it is losing its charge.

I used to get the FI light coming on and later realized it was one if the wires connecting to the battery was loose, so check your connections as well.

Hope it's one of these simple solutions.
Hi guys, F1 light was coming on a couple of weeks ago after 20 minutes of riding. Parked it and just started it up today after 3 weeks. Would not start so I gave it a boost. Rode it around the block everything was fine. Parked it turned it off and then tried to restart it. No go. Makes this weird noise. Please take a look at the vid and let me know if you have any tips or suggestions for me. Appreciate it!

Follow this simple fault finding chart - and then replace the defect part, then go riding.

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