Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

HI Aisu, If you're reading this i wanna tell u that u're my hero and i would love to meet up with u in person and possibly go on a ride together.
HI Aisu, If you're reading this i wanna tell u that u're my hero and i would love to meet up with u in person and possibly go on a ride a local Boston Pizza

Gotta keep the legend alive!
Best thread... ever.

lol thanks for the link Squid, now I feel learned and got an insight into a small part of GTAM history.


Well played for taking it all in fun and stride Aisu!
after 21 pages and 2 years worth of posts..... i now understand hte boston pizza joke.

thanks squid.
lolol, I remember this. I was just a newbie to the site :D
When I saw this show up again I'm like OMG, he's looking for another Pizza guy! But then I noticed its just a bump lol
This should be made a sticky! lol

He became a GTA celebrity with this post, lol
+1, and we have a current roster of idiots who post dozens of retarded messages daily but will never achieve that GTAM Fame status haha


Props to Aisu for taking it like a champ. A lesser man would've closed the account and started fresh. Love that Avatar man haha.
hahahah you are the MAN!! props!
You know this one day will be an urban legend of some sort

Kid's will refer to this tread for years to come lol
I forgot all about the Sandscript part lol
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