GSX-R 1000 vs S1000RR vs ZX10 Battle Royale

They're probably just messing around on the way to one of Ontario's best kept secret roads. I know where they're going. It's easy for Ontario cynics to write them off as posers, or straight line warriors, but I don't think they are. Posting their plates is not cool.
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They're probably just messing around on the way to one of Ontario's best kept secret roads. I know where they're going. It's easy for Ontario cynics to write them off as posers, or straight line warriors, but I don't think they are. Posting their plates is not cool.

Actually, I think I know who one of those riders is. They're straight line warriors. Rider in question does take that very bike to the drag strip, but evidently that's not enough. (Look at the rider's other videos)

If I'm on that road (highway 400) on the way to something better (lots to choose from), I have the mental cruise control set at whatever the cars are doing (probably 120-ish km/h) so as to not attract undue attention before I even get to the better roads ... or even better, skip highway 400 entirely; there are other choices.
Perhaps make an appointment at the optometrist :lmao:


Even those would still need enhancement. On my phone's screen its next to impossible to see during the actual video, even if you pause it.
I wonder how many people in those cars called the cops. Or took pictures and sent them to the cops.

Priorities ...

If you don't want to go to jail, don't do the illegal act.
If you want to do the illegal act, don't take pictures of it and make sure there's no one else around to take pictures of it.
If you want to do the illegal act and take pictures of it, don't post them online for everyone to see, including the cops.
If you want to do the illegal act and take pictures and post them online, make sure you can't identify who, where, or when.
If you want to do the illegal act and take pictures and post them online and brag that you did it, at least wait beyond the statute of limitations.

Don't post anything online that you wouldn't be willing to shout about in public in front of city hall ... or the cop shop.

**** 'em. One pull sure, but to turn a hwy into your personal 6th gear redline dragstrip? Whatever comes their way, they own it.

They're probably just messing around on the way to one of Ontario's best kept secret roads. I know where they're going. It's easy for Ontario cynics to write them off as posers, or straight line warriors, but I don't think they are. Posting their plates is not cool.
The cops can see the plates much better now and a speedo hitting 300.
Even doing this with low light conditions when deer come out. FAIL
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Two things.

1. Damn, that Gixxer is fast. And only a -1? Hard to believe it keeps up with the ZX10 and S1000RR in the straights.

2. Those highway pulls are nothing. This is what I call stupid, albeit by a skilled rider.

GSX-R 1000s are pretty under-rated by a lot of people. They still put down real power, they're relatively light and they have good wind protection for the rider which counts quite a bit at 250km/h++
Two things.

1. Damn, that Gixxer is fast. And only a -1? Hard to believe it keeps up with the ZX10 and S1000RR in the straights.

2. Those highway pulls are nothing. This is what I call stupid, albeit by a skilled rider.

That's nuts... On a semi wet road? Crazy
Yah, I showed it to a few people all of whom wonder just how long he's going to draw breath (me included).
Yah, I showed it to a few people all of whom wonder just how long he's going to draw breath (me included).

Not too many braincells in him, that's for sure; Doubt he could afford the repair bill...

GSX-R 1000s are pretty under-rated by a lot of people. They still put down real power, they're relatively light and they have good wind protection for the rider which counts quite a bit at 250km/h++

Yup, lose the oem exhaust and dump some unnecesary street stuff and it's a very light stable beast with a very wide power curve. I love mine and with -1F gearing mine is still pulling hard at the cutoff (uncorrected) with only bolt-ons.

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