GROUP RIDE (Vaughan/Peel)


Few of us have been riding 600s (r6, zx6r, cbr600) for some time and as the weather warms up, we're hoping to set up some weekly rides/meetups this season in the York or Peel region area.

If anyone is interested in potentially meeting up this Saturday or Sunday (weather-permitting), DM me your contact and reply here.

If we can get a group of 10+ riders, we can set up a good riding day. Hoping to set up a whatsapp group this week so better to organize rides. All bikes/bikers welcome.
Pace of ride? Locations? Are newbies allowed?
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I think everyone allowed to ride in the group. Pretty sure experienced people can teach and help attain some knowledge for newbies
I'm interested! I have some family stuff on weekends but who knows.. What time do you plan to do these rides/meetups? Mornings/evenings? Only weekends?
Pace of ride? Locations? Are newbies allowed?

Location TBD will set up soemthing in Vaughan/Peel Central location

Pace; generally over speed limit but nothing too crazy either. Paced with the group. Also mindful of all riders as Its easy to make severe mistakes in effort to keep up (esp if you're a new rider)

All allowed.
Weekends are busy till end of May, but I would like to maybe join if this continues. As long as it's not highway hooligan riding, I'm game.
Funny you say that. I generally do 8am too but figured since the season is still starting, some people need an extra hour or two. We can organize something earlier
I wish I could be out there today:cry:

How about something next Sunday(May 21)? Weather finally warming up.

Edit: April**
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Sunday April 21 you mean? I was hoping that too since the chances of rain are slim.

Will create a group shortly
Sounds like a good day let us know where the meet up is and time and I will gladly give it a try

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Assuming most here are from Brampton and Vaughan. Soemthing central would be highway 27 and highway 7 so I'll suggest:

Tim hortons at 9:00-9:30am to start early
25 Woodstream Blvd, Woodbridge
Great Turn out guys!!
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