Great deal on a great Battery Tender at Canadian Tire!

I picked up one of these chargers this past weekend. I had been looking at another tender, TecMate Optimate 3+, which was competitively priced but the CTC deal was very convenient.

The charger could potentially damage sensitive electronics, such as an alarm. It is best practice to fully disconnect the battery from the bike when being left for a long time. There are small devices, such as clocks or alarms, that take a trickle current from the battery that can fully discharge the battery over time.

There's always a possibility that hooking up anything to your vehicle's electrical system could cause an issue, but I can say that I've been using C Tek 3300 chargers for the last 3 years on 2 different bikes, 3 newer vehicles & 2 classic cars without any issue just plugging them in & forgetting about them for the winter. My 02 Camaro will drain the battery over a month or two of storage. I make sure the charger is hooked up to the car/bike battery & then plug it it & set it. No issues, they work as well in an unheated garage as a heated one. I know of others that use the C Teks left connected over the winter and have not had any issues.
but I can say that I've been using C Tek 3300 chargers for the last 3 years on 2 different bikes, 3 newer vehicles & 2 classic cars without any issue just plugging them in & forgetting about them for the winter... I know of others that use the C Teks left connected over the winter and have not had any issues.
Good to know, 'cause that's exactly what I'm doing.
This is a good unit and has many interesting functions ( I plan on getting one) . A friend of mine used this one ( ) that he got off Ebay and told me it gets the job done. He has had it for two riding seasons if your looking for something cheaper.

LOL.. that is this one -->
Which frequently goes on sale for $3.99.

I have a few of them, they are actually great. They have a FIXED max voltage of 13.2 volts which I confirmed (even says so in the manual) - and will never harm your battery by overcharging. No fancy multi mode charging... Just a low current with a fixed max voltage - does the trick.
hey guys,
i picked up this c-tek trickle charger and read the manual

i just want to clarify, i should set the charging mode to pulse, then i can plug it in and "forget" about it until spring?

CTek 3300. For a MC, install the quick connect to your battery to make life easy for you. Then, just plug it it, set it to motorcycle & leave it for the winter, no problem. For a car in a garage & maint free battery, just set it to automobile. If it's outside in a portable garage or unheated, set it to gell/cold battery.
The nice thing about the CTek is you don't have to unhook the battery from the car/bike. I have one on my MC, Camaro & Grand National. No issue leaving them connected for the winter.
Fail. I took too long before I finally decided to look at this thread and get one for my car. Missed the sales.
CTek 3300. For a MC, install the quick connect to your battery to make life easy for you. Then, just plug it it, set it to motorcycle & leave it for the winter, no problem. For a car in a garage & maint free battery, just set it to automobile. If it's outside in a portable garage or unheated, set it to gell/cold battery.
The nice thing about the CTek is you don't have to unhook the battery from the car/bike. I have one on my MC, Camaro & Grand National. No issue leaving them connected for the winter.

I left mine on the snowflake (wintermode) lets see what happens during spring...I'm guessing it should be ok....
CTek 330 battery charger on sale at CT for $50, Friday Mar 04-Thursday Mar 10 2011. This winter I have not seen it go down to $45 as stated by some, so this is the lowest price for the last 6 months.
Princess Auto......check out their latest flyer.

"Special Buy".....CTEK charger. Looks like the one Crappy Tire has........ only $50.00

Picked one up a couple days ago at the sale price. Nice little unit with good build quality and it's smart enough to set and forget.

In Brampton:
Bovaird and McLaughlin CT showed three in stock but they could not find them anywhere.
Trinity Common had 16 in stock on Saturday. They are with the scan tools in a locked glass case. Isle 11.
Used one of these when I stored my Mustang for the winter, disconnect wires to the battery from the car, come spring, started up without hesitation. Previous year, disconnected the negative and didn't use a tender and the battery died over the winter, will definitely be buying another one for my bike.
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