Got my M


Active member
Got my M last Sunday. Did a course with RTI in Oakville. The course was good as a refresher on "what to do" that we sometimes don't always do.

Neck is still tierd from all the exaggerated head checking!
Congrats! Nice to get that out of the way. LoL yeah you must have felt like a bobble head.
What location does RTI have a course in Oakville?
Got my M last Sunday. Did a course with RTI in Oakville. The course was good as a refresher on "what to do" that we sometimes don't always do.

Neck is still tierd from all the exaggerated head checking!

Congrats on getting your full M.
Thanks everybody! I am very happy to have this behind me!

Low Rider - We met at a location off South Servie Road. It was not an "official" location as the full day was riding. There was a 3 hr classroom session held at the Glen Abbey Community Centre on 3rd line.
I did that same course with rti a few summers ago, it was a decent weekend and the instructor was good. Those bad habits can creep up on you over time.
Got mine a few weeks ago from Centennial. Just happy to have it behind me, never have to worry about it again for the rest of my life :)
I almost made the most stupid move of my life... I was going to let my M2 expire because I did not planned on riding in the summer of 2010, figured I could just get my M1 when I felt like it but then started thinking about paying another $400 for the M2 and starting all over again, I went to do my M at the ministry at Keele in Toronto and gawd I'm glad I did, now I don't have to worry about expiring pieces of paper and it looks good for insurance to accumulate years with the M licence.
Congrats... M
I almost made the most stupid move of my life... I was going to let my M2 expire because I did not planned on riding in the summer of 2010, figured I could just get my M1 when I felt like it but then started thinking about paying another $400 for the M2 and starting all over again, I went to do my M at the ministry at Keele in Toronto and gawd I'm glad I did, now I don't have to worry about expiring pieces of paper and it looks good for insurance to accumulate years with the M licence.

Your M license still expires after 5 years and if you let it collapse then you will have to start from the beginning. (M1->M2->M)
There are no more tests involved, you just have to walk in and take a new picture.

Congrats OP on your M, I'll be doing mine at the MTO Testing Center.
If Sushii passed and I failed, I would ride right off a cliff! lol
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I almost made the most stupid move of my life... I was going to let my M2 expire because I did not planned on riding in the summer of 2010, figured I could just get my M1 when I felt like it but then started thinking about paying another $400 for the M2 and starting all over again, I went to do my M at the ministry at Keele in Toronto and gawd I'm glad I did, now I don't have to worry about expiring pieces of paper and it looks good for insurance to accumulate years with the M licence.

You sir are either a very smart person or live a very priviligied life if thats the stupidist thing you've avoided in life!

Congrats OP
Congrats!! Got mine today at the Aurora Centre. The head set they give you is pretty crapy though. It kept picking up signals from the construction people on the roads and I thought it was the examiner talking to me!!!:confused:. It was pretty confusing!! I even took a wrong turn along the way but it was too late to turn around so he said to just keep going. I thought I had made a fatal error and have dunged the test for sure. But he was very understanding and new what was going on.
Anyway, you feel about 100lb lighter after the test. Its a good feeling.

Did my road test yesterday at the Drivetest center in Barrie. Examiner said I did well, and he didn't have anything he wanted to talk to me about. I thought I did terrible LOL
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