got a new ride today

I love that colour scheme. I've been watching it since last year. I got the Dual Sport that they had on sale instead.
Congrats. As for those saying a long winter, nah.. it's already mid December with no snow. I'm sure by mid-march it will all be over and good enough weather to get back out there. So that's only 12 weeks, or less depending.. :)
Congrats. As for those saying a long winter, nah.. it's already mid December with no snow. I'm sure by mid-march it will all be over and good enough weather to get back out there. So that's only 12 weeks, or less depending.. :)

I have this nasty feeling that we'll have a very late spring. maybe April or May lol
I paid 12 plus hst love this bike I cant wait for spring - hey can you get 180's in blizzak lol
thanks for all your comments!
Nice bike. Curious are they storing it for you? If so do you have insurance for it yet?
What the hell is that?
I sure hope it looks better in person.

Familiar paint scheme. (obviously I like it)

Well, since you asked for opinions, you have to be willing to accept all opinions.

That thing is a hidious mess.

I wouldn't waste my spit on it.

Hey all bought a new ride today what do you think?
Yeah, the colours are kinda all over the place. If it weren't for the decals I would have thought somebody slapped together body panels from different bikes because they were cheap.
Yeah, the colours are kinda all over the place. If it weren't for the decals I would have thought somebody slapped together body panels from different bikes because they were cheap.

Better not sign up for a designer job ;)
That's a very well executed design and colour scheme for the category of bike.
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