Goodwill - All 16 locations closed

What a dumb ***. He got a bunch of letters to remove the logos. He wanted to be all high and mighty and ignored the threats, power to him. When they took him to court he cries and asks for crowd funding.

Those logos were nothing but the result of cultural marxism. I guess being a high ranking armature(round we go) road racer slash software designer doesn't leave room for a good social justice stand.
What a dumb ***. He got a bunch of letters to remove the logos. He wanted to be all high and mighty and ignored the threats, power to him. When they took him to court he cries and asks for crowd funding.
He probably started a thread here how he's been bullied by goodwill. Gtam probably advised him to tell goodwill to suck a bag of dcks .

Now he's got a dunktank setup for him
Those logos were nothing but the result of cultural marxism. I guess being a high ranking armature(round we go) road racer slash software designer doesn't leave room for a good social justice stand.

I thought I had a witty reply. Then I googled cultural marxism. Now I'm confused.
Employees are asking to get rid of her CEO, but I am sure she will NOT resign.

Nakamura was fired as Toronto Community Housing CEO in 2011, and they had to pay her an incredible severance package!

She is going to do the same here (not resigning until she gets fired with a package), wait for it.
I thought I had a witty reply. Then I googled cultural marxism. Now I'm confused.

Just know that traditional western values are caving and have been caving under the onslaught of cultural marxism for a very long time but we've been alive only a part of that time so can't see the forest for the trees but the trees are slowly being replaced by informative youtube content which dovetails nicely with the decline of viable businesses due to mismanagement brought on by feel good policies cooked up by think tanks high on drugs. There's something wrong with that.

edit: not that there's anything wrong with that
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Lol I know right? He speaks in rhymes & riddles
Inreb is one of the most entertaining people on this forum. He's on a long term "shock and awe" campaign.

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