I can't wait 'til I have the time to watch the Paul Gliding one. The one about exercise is true, though. I read a book a while back and it said that 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week will get you (on average) 23 hours of energy. It makes sense, too - your body functions more efficiently, you spend less energy trying to get blood through clogged arteries/etc.
Is Bill Clinton's DNC speech worth watching?
Holy crap that's a good resting heart rate. Congrats!
BUT there is a thing as too much exercise. When you start dropping body fat, you'll find yourself getting mood swings and you can't think as clearly. Your brain needs a certain amount of fat to function properly. Your body also needs a certain amount of fat to cushion your organs.
I've always been active, but recently really started to work out harder, eat better than most people do etc.
Not only did I drop some weight, but my mood changed. I was always happy, but now I'm even more so. I now easily make proper food choices and I'm not craving the bad stuff near as often. More energy in everything I do.
I was typically working out 5 days a week. Now, it's 2 times a day on most of my week days ("easy" in the morning and a killer one at night) and my weekends I'm spending being active in things I enjoy.
The increase in activity brought my resting heart rate from high 50s-low 60s (which is slightly better than the average person) and I now rest easily in the low 50s.
According to the machine at the gym, I have a Body Fat of 8%. I find that hard to believeYeah, I'm not below 10% BF and my diet involves fat, I eat what I'm supposed to so that I'm healthy and able to perform athletically, not just so I can drop weight and look good.
resume thread lol.