Good movie on Netflix

Canadian Micheal Leon riding an electric bike at Pikes Peak. Funny ending.[video=youtube;9Ib70mFWKbc][/video]

Apparently, the sequel Sharkalanche is in the works.

Already been aired on TV. And it was terrible.

The big story is how those bikes went from one 96mph lap to the top three now over 100mph in just 24 months, with the MotoCyzsz leading @104 mph and still beating a massive Honda effort in 2013.
It seems the biggest impediment was the Agni motor, the fastest and most reliable teams dropped it. So much for the charming British eccentric.

That motor was invented in the 70's in a garden might not be the best thing on the market but the thing that guy has done is pretty impressive.i would not count him out for a comeback.
Pardon my ignorance. But what's the story with Cedric Lynch? How he talks, barefeet on tarmac, etc. Just curious.
Pardon my ignorance. But what's the story with Cedric Lynch? How he talks, barefeet on tarmac, etc. Just curious.

He's just an eccentric Genius. He's was always on TV with his electrical gizmos when i was a child growing up in the UK. Some people think he might be on the autism spectrum and its certainly possible given how huge that spectrum has gotten in the last few years. Personally I just thinks he's just a crazy smart guy. He's accent isn't that unusual in England. I have heard other people speak like that.
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I watched the CHARGE movie today. I really liked it.

I'm a Petrol head as well, but man, those electric bikes are pretty awesome. I'd like to know more about the controllers used for the motors
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