Too bad Rocket Cycle closed down, he was right by you.
Try Auto Guyz on Finch between Keele and Dufferin. They have a bike mechanic there and the owners ride.
I only had a tire change done there. But they are set up to work on bikes and it's close to you.
Not anymore they’re not - they’re a total enigma to many mechanics below their mid 30’s (IE, pretty much any new mechanic) unless they had previous personal interest in them and learned about them that way - pretty sure they are not taught anymore in school beyond maybe the bare basics.
And even amongst the old(er) school mechanics they can be something they understand in general so far as setup and operation, but not well enough to tear down and rebuild...the same as how a general mechanic may not be versed enough to do in-depth transmission work, etc. It’s a specialty thing.
Powersport and small engine guys tend to know them better than many car mechanics as bikes continued to use carbs (and some still do) long after automotive left them in the dust long ago.
Dedicated carb guys who can rebuild anything under the sun are becoming a rare breed.
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