The sounds of your so called diet, your on a long term path to some serious kidney problems, which are already showing. People fail to understand we are a carbon based life form, meaning we need sugar (Not refined, processed sugars, whole mono sugars). Protein is the foundation of disease and problems because its acid based, we're alkaline based/neutral chemistry. Your high protein diet will lead to weight loss, it will also put you in ketosis, which is essentially like living in a cabin, and burning the cabin itself to keep warm. eventually you'll have no shelter or foundation, all organs will collapse.
read books, educate yourself. I can name a dozen books, the best one on all
health issues is this one, has everything from A-Z. Reviews speak for themselves. Also, get on spring water, check elmavale springs, we're 65-80% water, that's the building block for health interstitial fluid. Living waters make a big difference, then work your way into high water content fruits, watermelons work best. Use the oregano oil as an anti-bacterial, have a spoon of coconut kefir twice a day to eat the bad sugars killing your skin and build your gut fauna again. Learn intermittent fasting to let the gut heal, your skin is essentially a giant kidney filtering stuff.
Want to learn more,
check this man, he's actually helped over 5000 people and worked in ER.