I think the worst thing about all of this is if he gets acquitted the "victims" of this trial who were obviously called out on their lies are going to get off scot-free.
Not to mention I heard some talks of a protest happening on the day of the verdict if he's found innocent... They claim the system is broken. Yeah, I'd say they're right, only in a broken system would an innocent person lose their livelihood and reputation on obviously false accusations.
Obviously false accusations? How can you be so certain? I don't know if anyone can say that for a certainty about the accusations unless they were actually there at the time.
Regardless, he cannot be found "innocent" of the charges. Unlike the Scottish legal system, we do not have anything resembling an innocence verdict as a possible outcome in a criminal trial. Ghomeshi may be declared not guilty, but a "not guilty" verdict in Canadian Courts is not the same as a strong declaration of factual innocence, as would be the case of a "not guilty" verdict in a Scottish court.
Instead, our "not guilty" is actually more accurately the equivalent of a Scottish "not proven" verdict, meaning only that guilt was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Unless the judge makes a strong statement that his verdict was based on total or near total disbelief in the complainants' accusations in total, that will be a far cry from Ghomeshi being exonerated of the charges. A "not (proven) guilty" verdict is not a declaration of factual innocence and everyone knows that. A "not guilty" verdict is not proof that the basic accusations against him did not happen, only that Ghomeshi was able to raise reasonable doubt that he "might" not have committed a crime. He could still in fact be factually guilty of the accusations even if the available evidence was not substantial or consistent enough to prove it.
Yes, he lost his career, but what is the alternative? No such charges allowed unless there is a third party witness? You know what that would mean, right? No publication of the accusations and no open trials or reporting of same? How would that play to the premise that we are nation that lets all see justice being done in open view, and a nation that does not practice hidden star chamber trials?
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