Getting there - EV bike I could like ...

I'd expect my $6000 bike not to burn up after riding it for the first time, wouldn't you expect the same?
google EV motorbikes catching on fire
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I'd expect my $6000 bike not to burn up after riding it for the first time, wouldn't you expect the same?

google EV motorbikes catching on fire

(1) Don't buy made-in-C***a garbage, then - regardless of price tag.
(2) Show me one that wasn't made-in-C***a garbage.

EVs aren't as simple as some of their proponents have made them out to be. One of the things that's not simple, is building in various precautions against catching fire.
I saw this new impressive e-scooter announcement - I think if I'd go two wheels electric I'd start with scooter, range seems more appropriate to run around the block.. But made in China :( I guess I am waiting till HOnda or Yamaha make something similar...


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I saw this new impressive e-scooter announcement - I think if I'd go two wheels electric I'd start with scooter, range seems more appropriate to run around the block.. This one seems made in Europe too or I am mistaken?

View attachment 58645

My position on new vehicles is render=vaporware="investment" scheme. That formula is correct 99% of the time. If you have a real driving prototype that looks like it may comply with required standards, I'll give you more than a few seconds of attention. Even at that point, most never make it to market.

Rear wheel torque is a crap marketing measurement. Most people have no idea what the wheel torque is on any other vehicle for comparison. It's a bigger number than you would expect. For SV650 62Nm*15.42=956 Nm rear wheel torque @7000 rpm. Obviously far less at idle. They also left off Kw which is a standard provided measurement. End user gives a rats ass about voltage as that's an internal parameter that is mostly meaningless (similar to judging an injected car by its fuel pressure). So this particular example, they either have no bloody idea what they are doing or they are intentionally hiding useful information that allows comparison.
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Not everything is Chinese. Torrot is huge in Europe.
Here you go - an off road camper (not street legal) that carries a propane generator to recharge the batteries.

And it's only $136,600 USD !

Here you go - an off road camper (not street legal) that carries a propane generator to recharge the batteries.

And it's only $136,600 USD !

I don't know how much propane it's carrying but running a generator will get you in the ballpark of 40 kwh for every 20 lbs of propane. That's about half a charge or 80 km range for this turd. Much better than solar panel but far from ideal.
I saw this new impressive e-scooter announcement - I think if I'd go two wheels electric I'd start with scooter, range seems more appropriate to run around the block.. But made in China :( I guess I am waiting till HOnda or Yamaha make something similar...

View attachment 58645

Well, I guess if you are going to lie with numbers, you might as well go big.
But they do send you a 'Blind box' every month while you wait for your non-existent vehicle to arrive.
Here you go - an off road camper (not street legal) that carries a propane generator to recharge the batteries.

And it's only $136,600 USD !

sorry, but what's the point of an off-road camper? I need a big truck to tow that there, I might as well throw something onto the truck and just drive the damn thing off-road instead.

but again, they only need to fool a few people with that $1000 pre-order to break even for the website and content.
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