Getting roof access downtown?


Well-known member
I feel like this is a dumb question. But anyways, I was wondering if there was any legal way of gaining roof access to buildings downtown (would love to go at night and take some snapshots of the city skyline.) From what I've heard so far, it seems the only way to do this is to talk to maintenance or other people of the building. Anyone else have any suggestions? Appreciate the help
working for maintenance i would always have a master key to access the rooftop. supervisors would also have these keys. only thing is if you did something stupid the maintenance guy would be in deep sht. most supervisors wouldn't want to deal with the hassle as you would need to possibly be escorted. if you have a buddy in trades you could easily get escorted with them during the day but night time trades don't work on rooftops.

maybe you can luck out with security.
I heard that you can just wear overalls, carry a tool box, say you are with some HVAC company and there might be a leak in the AC system. If they say no, just repeat the address and if they still say no run.:D
there are a couple hotels with running tracks and such downtown. Find one and check in for the night.
I've been on the roofs of a few for service calls. Security doesn't take access lightly to what could be perceived as a base jumper.

These are not public areas with nanny state compliant railings etc and you will be wandering around in the dark tripping over pipes and vents near the edge of a very tall building. You are unlikely to get good shots unless you are near the edge.

I don't know if the CN Tower sky walk is a night time experience but you could ask.

Try booking a night flight off of the island airport. Might cost a couple of hundred but an eerie experience.
Not easily, no. Your options are either to tip security/maintenance, climb, or pretend you're doing work like that guy suggested above. What area are you looking to take a picture from? Tipping is obviously harder at the taller buildings, climbing is only feasible on older buildings, and condos are easiest to sneak into (sometimes residents may have access).

OR Javin Lau's one of Toronto's best rooftop photographers...track him down and try asking him.
Just going to post this random picture here for no real reason...

I had a friend in a condo that had a roof top patio / barbecue. Gotta be others out there. She was right by the water. Great place for a night time bbq! We could look down and watch the planes landing at the city airport.
City Hall also has the largest publicly accessible green roof in Toronto. It's really nice and there are some really nice views.

Our condo has an 8th floor terrace and a 13th floor terrace and there are many along the waterfront.
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Our condo has an 8th floor terrace and a 13th floor terrace and there are many along the waterfront.

I've seen a few of them but the trick is to get past the security / concierge. If you know where you're going and can time your arrival you slip through past the "Don't open doors for strangers" signs.
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