SO aside from the obvious seat time, what are your thoughts on getting new'ish riders over that hump?
Im all for safety and it really unnerves me when someone im trying to help wont get going above the speed limit.
I can only repeat myself so many times. "get up to speed, go with the flow of traffic, its more dangerous to have that car right behind you riding your tail than using your throttle to get up to traffic speed"
I know seat time is the key here and the more time my friend gets the better, but I took her out on the Allen road Sunday and nerves/wind got the best of her.
She is a great rider when it comes to slow speed skill and traffic awareness and overall riding skills. But the clincher for me is her inability to 70 in a 60 zone when cars are lined up behind her...i cringe. She has no problem accelerating either, its just she stops when she feels she is going "fast enough". This is where I say, its not fast enough based on the traffic flow, etc. Specifically on the Allen, she was doing 75 and felt that was enough...I find it way more settling being ahead of the traffic pack and being far away from those potential dangers...
New people, what have your experiences been like? When did you finally become OK with speeding and getting past the traffic, etc?
Im all for safety and it really unnerves me when someone im trying to help wont get going above the speed limit.
I can only repeat myself so many times. "get up to speed, go with the flow of traffic, its more dangerous to have that car right behind you riding your tail than using your throttle to get up to traffic speed"
I know seat time is the key here and the more time my friend gets the better, but I took her out on the Allen road Sunday and nerves/wind got the best of her.
She is a great rider when it comes to slow speed skill and traffic awareness and overall riding skills. But the clincher for me is her inability to 70 in a 60 zone when cars are lined up behind her...i cringe. She has no problem accelerating either, its just she stops when she feels she is going "fast enough". This is where I say, its not fast enough based on the traffic flow, etc. Specifically on the Allen, she was doing 75 and felt that was enough...I find it way more settling being ahead of the traffic pack and being far away from those potential dangers...
New people, what have your experiences been like? When did you finally become OK with speeding and getting past the traffic, etc?