Get the f outta here!!! Omg!!!


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Wicked! I want one... but then I can only ride at night :confused1:
If it was wicked fast I would try and ride it, but it looks to be good for 10mph. Sweet wheel setup.
Reminded me of the unrideable Ferrari motorcycle concept. Looked like a handful to ride and a pain to balance all your weight on you nutsack. Definitely a head-turner though.

A lot of bikes are like that now. I'm having a hard time finding a bike that might be comfortable. Some seats are U shaped like an extreme horse saddle and they'll get you when you put the breaks on. Other seats are slanted downhill into the tank and your bum slides down in your pants and you give yourself a reverse wedgie. I'm surprised they can sell half the bikes out their.
doesnt it look like it will hurt ur croach...?
Hahaha,won't work in daytime tho.
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