Get a modular helmet, you'll thank me later

I have a modular for teaching, will never wear it on the street. Far too heavy, far too noisy and the weakest point on the thing is the highest % impact area.

I can drink just fine by slipping a camel back under the chin on the FF. Eating or whatever else, pull over, enjoy a break. Big deal.
Imagining that weight at high speed . Maybe they've made them lighter since.
Like most things they've improved and a much wider choice. High speed is not a thing here ...100 kph and strictly enforced. One reason I like the convertible I have that is certified safe as both an open face and FF and the bar flips back so the helmet is still aerodynamic in open face form.
Also so much easier to get on and off over IEMs.
Photography in particular is difficult in FF mode. I only use the ff in bad weather or debris.
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Like most things they've improved and a much wider choice. High speed is not a thing here ...100 kph and strictly enforced. One reason I like the convertible I have that is certified safe as both an open face and FF and the bar flips back so the helmet is still aerodynamic in open face form.
Also so much easier to get on and off over IEMs.
View attachment 57019View attachment 57020
Photography in particular is difficult in FF mode. I only use the ff in bad weather or debris.

This we can agree on. I dislike having the weight of a modular over my head. I have the ls2 variant II. Looks like they stole the design from shark, a much better modular design. IMO
I once had a wasp fly up the sleeve of my leather jacket. Little btard stung me 7 or 8 times before I was able to pull over. When I unzipped the jacket it fell out and flew away before I could kill it.
I've been stung a few times while riding. Twice by bees that were snagged in the fleecy cheek pads.

The worst was last summer, rode thru a cloud of bees near Minden. About a dozen flew into my unzipped jacket, guess the rest.
Like most things they've improved and a much wider choice. High speed is not a thing here ...100 kph and strictly enforced. One reason I like the convertible I have that is certified safe as both an open face and FF and the bar flips back so the helmet is still aerodynamic in open face form.
Also so much easier to get on and off over IEMs.
View attachment 57019View attachment 57020
Photography in particular is difficult in FF mode. I only use the ff in bad weather or debris.
Agree, they've come a long way.

This looks like a copy of the Givi X01 three in one helmet. FC Moto doesn't show it, but it comes with a motocross muzzle as well. Three helmets in was actually a great buy. There's a tourer version as well with a visor that makes it a four in one helmet.

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