Gasp! Steve Job's resigns.

I hope he's not stepping down for health that his cancer has come back and he needs to focus on fighting that again. :confused1:
I work with a someone who is a huge fan of Apple on a very technical level (seriously, this guy should be working for them) and he somehow gets access to info from inside of Apple corporation, and he believes that Steve is stepping down for health reasons and pretty sure about it.

Also, Jobs probably left his seat with a map that Apple should follow for the next 10 to 15 years, so they will still be as strong as they are now with or without Jobs for a loooong time.
Nothing has actually changed, Jobs has been on leave since January I think and Cook has been interim CEO. Short term, I don't foresee any issues with upcoming Apple products, or stock prices. Apple's financials are incredible and if you value their stock based on P/E, it is hugely undervalued, so there is certainly plent of upward room to move. As their stock has shown today, only a minor dip.

Long term is a much bigger question mark. There is no doubt that Jobs is the driving force that has brought Apple (the whole industry actually) to where it is today. It will be interesting if anyone can fill his visionary shoes
Also, Jobs probably left his seat with a map that Apple should follow for the next 10 to 15 years, so they will still be as strong as they are now with or without Jobs for a loooong time.

I recommend reading Asimov's Foundation series.. Works in SciFi, not so much in the business world. In any case, I am hoping to see more innovation and fewer lawyers out of Apple. Keeping my fingers crossed :cool:
Everyone is suing everyone, don't understand why people concentrate on Apple

Because they're fighting with Microsoft for the Lawsuit-King title. Do you really wanna live in a world where all innovation is stifled by lawsuits? Where a small developer is always wondering if the big guys with hundreds of lawyers on the leash have patented the wheel or are just going to sue to put the little guy out of business even if the lawsuit doesn't have any merit? Hell, I've seen just the threats to sue, without disclosing which copyright got infringed on impact software adoption figures. Apple is right in the thick of it and one of the top 2 a-hole companies when it comes to that.
Watch Apple stocks plummet 15 to 20% tomorrow in response to Jobs' departure.

by 15% to 20% you actually meant 1% to 2% right?
I could be wrong, but I don't remember Apple going after any small companies unless they are blatantly copying Apple product. They are just fighting with the other big boys, and vice versa.

Unfortunately patent games are de rigueur in today's corporate climate. I as well as I'm sure most people out there would like to see the patent laws revised to stop the BS

Because they're fighting with Microsoft for the Lawsuit-King title. Do you really wanna live in a world where all innovation is stifled by lawsuits? Where a small developer is always wondering if the big guys with hundreds of lawyers on the leash have patented the wheel or are just going to sue to put the little guy out of business even if the lawsuit doesn't have any merit? Hell, I've seen just the threats to sue, without disclosing which copyright got infringed on impact software adoption figures. Apple is right in the thick of it and one of the top 2 a-hole companies when it comes to that.
Everyone is suing everyone, don't understand why people concentrate on Apple

One of my pet peeves is the lack of innovation in computing. It's like we hit a wall in 1980. I see people fawning over stuff that we had in Unix boxes 30 years ago. Like, really? It reminds me of the car business.."give them leather interior! THAT'S what people want! Not fuel economy!!" Ugh..
It's been said that S. Jobs' best innovation to date, is Cook. Time will tell.
In the interest of Apple, and it's share holders - it's "Mr. J. Ive" they will sorely miss when his warrants become cashable. Stay tuned.

disclaimer: I could not care less if "AAPL" goes to $1000 or $1.
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Agreed, Ive is the main guy we have to thank for the brilliant aesthetic design of today's Apple products. Would be a huge loss if he were to move back to the UK as the rumours are speculating

It's been said that S. Jobs' best innovation to date, is Cook. Time will tell.
In the interest of Apple, and it's share holders - it's "Mr. J. Ives" they will sorely miss when his warrants become cashable. Stay tuned.

disclaimer: I could not care less if "AAPL" goes to $1000 or $1.
Steve Jobs Put in a Full Work Day Before Sending out his Resignation


We know, the tech world has been blanketed with Steve Jobs-related stories over the last 24 hours. It seems more like the man passed away, rather than just merely relinquishing his role as Apple’s CEO.
But in case you haven’t noticed, it’s a pretty big deal. Not only did the man turn a company around that was on the fringe of bankruptcy, he personally oversaw the production of some of our generation’s most popular products.
That being said, another interesting story has surfaced regarding Jobs’ exit. Apparently the ex-CEO, who’s been noticeably absent from Apple’s offices for the last 9 months, worked a full day in Cupertino before submitting his resignation…
Even after taking his leave of absence in January, Jobs has remained fairly visible. He was on hand to unveil the iPad 2 back in April, and introduced Apple’s newiCloud service during WWDC. There have even been reports that he has been involved in the ongoing China Mobile deal.
However, according to Bloomberg, Steve has been a homebody for the last few weeks. And although there has been no word on his current health condition, the former CEO’s appearance has been described as “weak.”
Ill or not, Bloomberg’s Adam Satariano reports that Jobs put in a full work day yesterday at the Cupertino campus. He attended a regularly scheduled board meeting, and was around up to the point that he sent out his resignation letter.
Perhaps this was a fitting end to one of the greatest eras in history. Jobs was known for his hard work and dedication. I can’t imagine what it was like to sit at the CEO desk for the last time, looking around at the empire that he built. Can you?


do you think that guy could rock the black turtleneck and standout as that guy below?


or maybe just a black shirt?


did you guys know that jamie foxx wears something black on a daily basis too.
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