Gas rage

It's this low? We aren't carbon taxing it enough!!! The environmentalist are ashamed. We should be paying $5/litre and money from that should be going to feel good hippie projects. #EcoTerrorism
Should be going towards weed, bro
Maybe this will get more folks respecting small displacement bikes - most 250's will get 3l/100km.
Why not drive cars instead of big, stupid, gas guzzling suv's and pickup trucks? Lower the demand.
Supply and demand economics don't always have the expected price impact when cartels and oligopolies are involved.

Cartels (OPEC) set crude prices to maximize their revenues and profits, the oligopolies (Big Oil) never get overly aggressive on pricing share a common goal to maximize prices within the confines of competition laws.

As an individual you save money as by reducing you consumption. As a group, that's not really going to work as long as cartels and oligopolies control prices.
Nah, more like 4 - 4.5.

A CBR125 will get you 3l or maybe even a tad less.
If it doesn't get you to work, you can always use it to cut your grass
My crf 250 rally got 2.67l/100km on it's first tank of gas.I'll have to check it again now that the engine is broken in and it's had it's first oil change.The older carb'd thumpers didn't get as good fuel mileage.The fuelies are much better.
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If you are doing this purely for math, you also need to factor in the inintial cost and life expectancy into an amortized yearly cost. Repairs are not a linear function, but to be fair are likely less cost costly on an electric vehicle with fewer moving parts. We are close to getting to a tipping point though and then you will see the market switch over in statistically significant way.

Here's one week of commuting for me now with the Volt....I'm happy with this. Sucks having payments....but $200 to the gas companies...or $200 to the car ownership....I'll take the latter.

View attachment 39025

Kind of funny how it works out....

Civic Commute - ~$200 in gas + $160 in parking
Volt Commute - ~$20 in electricity + $160 in parking ($300/year less in insurance) (free charge at the office)
GO Bus - $240/month + an extra 45-60min/day
Motorcycle - $50/month in gas for sale and it's getting cold

Obviously mileage not included on the cars....but it adds up quick at 38km/way
Well consumers don't really seem to care other than just some token crying. The number 1 best seller in Canada is the Ford F150 fashion truck. It has also gotten to the point that Ford is dropping all but two of its car models because no one is buying them:

Chrysler already dropped for 2018 the Dart and 200 because they are not selling (enough). GM has made similar moves.

In the end the consumer is buying larger less efficient vehicles so it sends a clear message, fuel prices are not too high, crank them up please. I will say most of the modern big vehicles get impressive mileage for there size but they will always consume more than a smaller more aerodynamic vehicle using the same technology, it is physics.

This tends to go in cycles, there was talk of similar moves (dropping cars) before oil hit >$100 and then there was a short trend to sanity vehicle wise, now we are back to gas price is no concern at the dealership.

IMO, if you have an efficient vehicle I share your concerns about the impact of fuel prices. If you have a fashion truck or SUV STFU...

BTW, best time to hit Costco if you have a fuel efficient vehicle for gas is in the morning (open to ~8AM), shortest line-ups. If you have a fashion truck best time is around 6PM....
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Now we see the reason behind Alberta's urgency on the KM TM pipeline. They want to cash in on cartel-driven oil prices...
People are crazy.

A good friend's GF has a hemi Ram as a daily driver and she drives it hard. She averages 20L/100km..... and I saw gas for $1.37/L yesterday.
Coffee which is 99.9% water is a buck more per liter than gas which has to be run through a billion dollar refinery instead of a ten cent filter.
I care about gas mileage but I also need the space of an SUV and AWD to not get stuck in the snow. I’m getting 12 MPG on the X3 but all my other vehicles got about 10, except my old TDI, so that doesn’t seem to be a huge difference.
Coffee which is 99.9% water is a buck more per liter than gas which has to be run through a billion dollar refinery instead of a ten cent filter.

Water, which is 100% water, is a buck more per liter than gas. What's your point?
Coffee which is 99.9% water is a buck more per liter than gas which has to be run through a billion dollar refinery instead of a ten cent filter.
No offense, but I don't get this argument. I don't spend $150/ mth on coffee & I don't buy coffee everyday. For most people fuel is a necessity & it is consumed in large quantities!
I actually bought a camp stove that runs on gasoline specifically because gasoline is actually one of the cheapest fuels you can buy.
I care about gas mileage but I also need the space of an SUV and AWD to not get stuck in the snow. I’m getting 12 MPG on the X3 but all my other vehicles got about 10, except my old TDI, so that doesn’t seem to be a huge difference.
That's me also wanting lots of space and AWD but also great gas mileage and efficiency in size. I ended up with a Golf R. Comfortable room for 4 adults (seating for five), hatchback volume and great mileage. Also 300 hp, 6 sp manual and AWD. :D

Here I am in the Canadian Rockies for a week long tent camping trip with a mountain bike and a 10X10 ez-up canopy on the roof.
That's me also wanting lots of space and AWD but also great gas mileage and efficiency in size. I ended up with a Golf R. Comfortable room for 4 adults (seating for five), hatchback volume and great mileage. Also 300 hp, 6 sp manual and AWD. :D

Here I am in the Canadian Rockies for a week long tent camping trip with a mountain bike and a 10X10 ez-up canopy on the roof.

That Golf would never hold all the crap I drag with me when I go glamping.
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