Gas prices going up 4.5 cents tonite

Thanks for the tip. Needed to fill up anyway so rode to Shell down the street. Lineup wasn't too bad so I patiently waited while chuckling at how chaotic it was. The lineup was only a few cars deep but it somehow turned into gridlock. Anyway, one pump frees up but the car in front of me doesn't have room to maneuver in so, being next in line, I start to maneuver my way over when this @$$hole in a minivan enters the station, flies by the entire lineup, dangerously hops the curb (where people walk out of the store) and steals the spot! How pathetic is that? I was about to put my kickstand down and go have words with ********* but realized that would be petty on my part.
Ohh boy, and then people start these movements such as let's not buy gas on this day and we'll teach the gas companies a lesson. Yeah right... They are giving it up the *** to so many, standing around and waiting to save a few dollars.

I mean, hey if you need gas and you know it's going up tomorrow then go ahead and fill up if there is no lineup; however when people spend so much time just to save a few bucks is crazy. I believe our society is too focused on saving money instead of focusing that energy on making more money. I know it's easier of course to focus on the savings, but it's wrong and I am the victim of it myself sometimes.

/end of rant.
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If you take it as $0.045/L increase instead of 4.5c/L, it will feel ok.
A friend called tonight before the price jump, mentioning about fights at a pump where cops were called in to break up some freaks.
A standard car takes ~50L. Is it worth to spoil the night and become an a.h in public to save about $2 (or to burn same worth of gas when lined-up/idle).
I would gladly pay the extra couple bucks today to not have to deal with idiots yesterday. Gas stations are a ghost town this morning.

Ps. How many of those penny pinchers do you figure were in the 10 min line up at tim hortons this morning I idling all of those savings away while I walked in to an empty restaurant got a coffee and muffin and walked out.
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it gets crazier, i was one of the ones who went yesterday to fill my tank.

i see an esso gas station at 1.34/L, lineups 6 deep onto the street, across the road is a husky at 1.35L and no lineup at all. Filled my tank and was on my way. All that lineup to save one cent per litre.
The biggest savings you can do is tune up your car, new spark plugs and get fresh tires. I did that on my 1999 Acura TL and now it sips gas.
talk about traffic problems last evening.. there was tons of cars backed up onto the roads - especially near the cheaper independent stations
It's actually a lot more complex that that. Peak Oil boys and girls, read about it.

I have read about peak oil 20 years ago .... what about it? Peak oil has very little to do with that. There's so many other other factors that it's not worth talking about it. The price is still peanuts compared to some other parts of the world. So price of oil is hardly hurting us here. It will cost as much as we are willing to pay and that will last until someone will come up with a better alternative. Until such time comes lining up for gas in Canada is the most stupid thing I have heard of.

Apparently there was a pump yesterday who decided to sell 10000L of gas at 1L/0.45c. The lineup was two hours long. Read again two hours loooong. Quite a few people idled out of gas ...... how big of a moron do you have to be to do that? They interviewed a guy with Jaguar XJ ..... are you kidding me??
it gets crazier, i was one of the ones who went yesterday to fill my tank.

i see an esso gas station at 1.34/L, lineups 6 deep onto the street, across the road is a husky at 1.35L and no lineup at all. Filled my tank and was on my way. All that lineup to save one cent per litre.

Exactly, I always pick the more expensive pumps on crazy days like yesterday. No line p and done quick. See you later ...
Just got in and you should see the line ups .. all for the fact of saving $5 bucks. LOL.

$5 if you're driving a truck or SUV with a fairly large tank. Most people driving smaller sedans and such with 45-70L tanks are only saving $2-$3. There are lineups because people are stupid. They either can't do basic math, or they don't stop and think for ten seconds. Even during their 45 minute wait to fill up it never occurs to them to figure out exactly how much they'll be saving.

Go up to someone when they're leaving work and say you'll offer them $2 if they sit in their car for 45 minutes before leaving.... see how many people take you up on that offer.
******! I feel like an idiot waiting in line for gas yesterday(especially after reading the thread). I think its more Psychological then anything else, because in reality the savings are next to nothing.
Waiting in line for 20min to save $2.50 isn't my thing. My time is worth way more than $7.50/hour.

That said, gas prices are ridiculous.
Don`t know if this strategy has ever worked.

It won't ever work. As soon as Esso charges 1 cent less than Shell the masses will go to Esso. Look at last night....the line ups for a $2 savings. There aren't enough people who are willing to pay even $0.01 more for this to work. That, and I have 2 Essos and a Petro near my house, and I'm not driving across town at 7am to find an independant.
Gasoline will continue to rise until the people oust the politicians who are in league with oil companies.
Switching over to electricity isn't the solution, either. Why? Because the electric companies can jack those prices up on you, too. Then the politicians who used to be in league with the oil companies will now be in league with the electricity utilities.

Until technology is easily accessible to power vehicles on something like hydrogen, which I believe is the answer, given that it's freaking everywhere, and you can even extract it yourself out of the air with some Grade 9 Science, we will continue to be subject to the aforementioned bullsh1t.
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