Gas fouled plugs from sitting???

Okay we're getting somewhere. Put the bike on rear stand, shift it to 6th and spin the rear wheel by hand. This will turn the motor. If it moves we know its not a stuck motor. Next is to clean and verify all the contacts from the main relay to the starter. A loose connection to the starter can make it seem like a weak battery.
Had a CBR600R come into my shop before that wouldn't start, after sitting for about a month...No stabilizer, iridium plugs. They tried new plugs with no success, I got it started simply by charging the battery and kept trying, took a good 15 min of cranking with breaks in between and slight throttle pluses ....After it finally started with the original plugs and warmed up, it never happened again...
was it cranking? mine is just starter only...i think.
engine wont turnover, i pmd you a video

another thing I forgot to mention was when i tried to bump start it last week it gave me 1 massive was pretty cool i have to say...made people jump.
not sure if that helps any...
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You might have flooded the hell out of it and hydro-locked it. Low battery doesn't have power for starter fuel and spark, starter and fuel seem to win. I would pull the plugs and see if engine will turn over. My CBR was really sensitive to low battery, it would crank with no spark. Sounds like you have a bad battery if you are hitting 10V when cranking, even after charging. Bonne chance.
alot of people saying its still the battery...fml.
i dont want to go buy a battery to find out thats not the issue...i dont understand how Jumping couldnt negate that option. Im going to ****in multimeter the battery with and without load with the car hooked up to it...that should verify she is getting enough cranking volts right??
alot of people saying its still the battery...fml.
i dont want to go buy a battery to find out thats not the issue...i dont understand how Jumping couldnt negate that option. Im going to ****in multimeter the battery with and without load with the car hooked up to it...that should verify she is getting enough cranking volts right??

Form the sound of your video your battery voltage seems fine, but I cant really tell if you are turning the motor over or just the starter. All I could here was starter whine, I ddint really hear any compression or cranking of the actual motor. I could even hear fuel pump priming

Are you sure it is actually turning the motor over?
^^ You and me are on the same page...

DJBordie, remove one sparkplug and crank her, you'll hear compression and the air being pushed out the spark plug hole if it is turning.
alot of people saying its still the battery...fml.
i dont want to go buy a battery to find out thats not the issue...i dont understand how Jumping couldnt negate that option. Im going to ****in multimeter the battery with and without load with the car hooked up to it...that should verify she is getting enough cranking volts right??

get the battery load tested....its free at most auto parts stores. or take it to GLEN @ FS...he will do it for free too.
The massive backfire would indicate that you flooded the engine and probably had gas everywhere and the attempt at bump starting fired it all which also indicates that you have spark too. I had a battery with a bad cell and if warm would bump start but only on a hill at a good speed. It would not start with a boost. I think that someone with a bit of experience should be able to tell right away if the engine is turning over or just the starter motor.
If the battery is bad and you hook up a car battery to it take the usual precautions as, rare though it is, they can blow up and a faceful of sulphuric acid is no fun.
amazing suggestions, i will know if engine is turning over tonight. opening the right side case and checking.

johnny its just starter wine and a very very quiet deep noise from the engine. I think its turning over just not enough. but i can barely hear it.

i have a hill to try to bump start with, will try that say hopefully the ***** mopar battery has seen better days..but still such weird symptoms for being simply a bad battery

1. checked spark - sparking ! however about a second between sparks. so 1..2..3..4..etc (normal i suppose) At first i didnt see took a few presses. maybe leading to the fouled/flooded piston area or something? someone mentioned electro-something-or-other?

2. checked crank!, shes cranking. air is coming from the piston area and also the exhaust and also when bump started she was turning over louder...but no catch.

3. re checked battery, same voltages, also tried some extensive testing and multimetering while the car was hooked up. well over 10v on load and 12-13 v resting. Some friends have suggested trying another battery just incase of a bad cell? again, with jumpers i hope that negates the battery

4. bump start - no go, but turns over

5. checked all fuses and visible wires, clutch wires, kickstand wires, etc.. seemed normal..

i think thats about all i can remember, it was a session and a half

I really cant believe its not running...
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That's a pretty slow crank rpm, but you know your bike better than we do. How did it sound when it was running well?
re checked with digital multimeter, 12.5 resting 10.3 with starter.

it almost started up with the timing chain cover off. not sure what thats about.


is that about how it should be cranking?

Looks to me like it should run ... certain combinations of things that wouldn't normally be a big deal can be really hard to start in the winter. Like a bike that normally runs lean, has stale summer gas, etc. If I can get a bike to at least cough like yours did, I would probably apply Johnny's strategy of just cranking it for a while (being careful to not burn out the starter)
yea, its so much better when there is a definitive problem lol.

going for a session of bump starts and such, see what happens...

Cant remember how she cranked before, but I think it was much more assertive and quicker.
Looks to me like it should run ... certain combinations of things that wouldn't normally be a big deal can be really hard to start in the winter. Like a bike that normally runs lean, has stale summer gas, etc. If I can get a bike to at least cough like yours did, I would probably apply Johnny's strategy of just cranking it for a while (being careful to not burn out the starter)

I think this dude's right,it's the a/f ratio...

djbordie-are you on the z1000 forum ? Your bike has a juicebox correct ? and you were playing with different mapping ?...If that's the same bike and it has any kind of piggyback fuel controller pc 3/juicebox you might wanna try pulling it out...
Also if you've advanced the timing ,I'd look at that too
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