Great reply thanks. You r right I'm not a gas guy, only basic knowledge. Good to hear insight from a licensed guy. I've had the gas guys run the main line and the "flex connector" goes from said line to the appliance. Not sure if I confused the terminology. I'm not here to argue I was merely confused by your previous statement.
And yes they were my personal residences.
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I'm not trying to be a jerk about it, but you wouldn't believe the stuff I've seen over the years, from people doing it themselves. I took a part an entire gas line, approx. 40 ft because the guy installed it without dope lol. The worse was some guy had his brother in law run his gas line, I go to do a steel service cut back, and smell gas as soon as i walk in the door. I check the gas line and find a union, in the basement not even hand tight, gas pissing out of it. How no one smelled gas was strange. You are allowed to do gas work in your personal residence, if you own it and there are no renters in the house. I tell people to look at it this way, would you want your next door neighbour doing his own gas work if he isn't qualified, because if his house goes so does yours, now that is being extreme because explosions from leaks are extemely rare. There was an incident recently where the cuatomer had their furnace cleaned, the guy didn't check teh furnace after the cleaning, and one of our fitters was at the house next door when the furnace started and the smell was so bad, he checked the vent termination on the recently cleand furnace and it was spewing CO over 1700ppm. The owner said she wasn't feel well the last few weeks, nd the person next door said the same thiing. it turns out the CO was entering the neighbours house through an open window in to his daughters room. The point being you can be affected even by bad work on a house next to yours.