I’ve got the XT. Prior to that I had the 596 (and another model prior to that). The music streaming on the XT frustrates me. There is no wired option for headphones (hey, it’s the modern world!). The downside is that streaming from your phone to the Zumo and then your comms is buggy. The solution apparently is to put your music directly on the Zumo or on an SD card. Which is great, unless you have a ton of music (I do….that’s my thing…music and motorcycles!). Regardless of the SD card size it will only fit 5000 songs. I tried to dump 5000 on there and couldn’t get it to read the SD properly. Still looking for a solution, but forgot about it because it’s not riding season.
Other than that, as others said, it’s amazing. The screen is gorgeous, it can be operated in landscape or portrait mode, it’s fast, I love the traffic/weather, etc.