Garage space in Trenton area?


Well-known member
Well, coming to all the awesome people on here for some help again.
Looks like I'm being moved temporarily to Trenton for the start of my new trade... Only problem is I have a car project that I have in the garage I work in, as well as the motor and transmission and associated parts... And won't have anywhere to keep them or work on them.
Granted, I could get a storage unit, but if I hold off the project for this summer it will be on hold for approx 2 years and that's just not cool. Plus I'd rather get the drive train in to the car so when I get moved around I'm not worried about the logistics of moving a car and all the parts, I'll just have the car to worry about.

So looking for a place within about 30 minutes of the Trenton area where I can rent out some space short term to get the project finished.
The auto club on base is likely very well equiped, however they are only open 90 minutes monday to thursday and 2 hours Saturday morning... By the time I get the tools out it's time to pack up basically.
I did an OJT in Trenton last summer, and although the hours are **** for the club, you apparently get a key with access to your spot throughout the night (ie all nighters)... it's a weird set up. Kingston's got one of the best auto club's in the CF, it's a shame it's an hour or so away from you
I did an OJT in Trenton last summer, and although the hours are **** for the club, you apparently get a key with access to your spot throughout the night (ie all nighters)... it's a weird set up. Kingston's got one of the best auto club's in the CF, it's a shame it's an hour or so away from you

Awesome man thanks! I plan on taking a week of annual to get this done. Considering I'm lifting the car off the motor and then down on to the new stuff a lift will make this so much easier... And having access whenever is great. I'm one of those people that once I'm moving on a project I have a hard time stopping for anything other than taking a leak lol.
I sent an e-mail to the WO that runs the shop but I got an away from office message.

I'll be doing OJT myself, I just changed trades to Aircraft Structures... I've had enough of this medical stuff.
that's an interesting trade, especially if you like working on your cars and bikes as well. Ya just ask him about their access after hours, because I'm almost certain a couple of the guys I was talking to were given access throughout the night.
He got back to me yesterday. Apparently I'll just get a set of keys to use the shop whenever for the days I've paid for it.

That's part of the reason why I want the trade is to learn all the fab skills they have. I enjoy working on my stuff and this trade will just be more skills to use. I plan on starting up my own business and the knowledge I'll get is needed for what I have in mind too.
The medical thing is cool, but since the military version is such an offshoot from anything civilian there are way too many hurdles to jump just to land a job working part time hours making base pay as a paramedic civy side.
That's a smart plan. I'm looking into motorcycle technician courses if I get medically released... start my own business with some of the settlement cash I'd get.
WAH?! I become a medic and you leave?! What the F man!!!!! By the way ... I AM POSTED TO TRENTON!!!!! So you best be coming down to ride with me and my new found friends! I love it here.
Ha well I'm actually selling the FZ6, no asphalt for a bit. But the car has all my attention. I'm still racing mx, hoping to meet some new dirt buddies.

Not so sure if I'm going to Trenton now for OJT. My CSM yesterday was saying that's where I'd be going, but considering we have 427 (griffons) and 450 (chinooks) here, there is a chance I'll be here until my 3s. But, I'm begging for Trenton as my posting after.
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