Ganny - June 3rd

Where can I get trail maps for the ganny I'm riding a atv and I'm not sure I can fit through all of the trails id like to know where I can ride

Here are the maps I have of the Ganny in digital form (including a high-res full forest map showing single track and double track trails):

Ganny Maps

Unfortunately I'm heading on a trip with my Banshee this weekend so I can't join you guys, hopefully next time!
I called and he said he would be there on sunday,also asked about payment and he said daily membership $25 cash for yearly $125 he can write up a Visa bill no debit.The place is called Leathercraft 1-905-983-9540 and he is on the way up to Boundry Rd on #115 that way you wont need to make a huge detour unless you need your timmies in the morning lol.

ZIK you comming out?

You can also get passes at Sandaraska Campground also. Cash or Visa iirc.

I might make an appearance for a couple hours since I'll be at the campground anyway. I have an early flight to Edmonton Monday morning for work so I might cut out early.
My ride is Nancy(european brand) ----runs real hot & well on Alcohol !!!!

:agave:cya there lol
I think the last time I rode with twostroke we cowered under a large tree at the base of thrope hill waiting out a thunderstorm. That made for some fun attempts at Thorpe hill immediately afterwards - Z1K, 2stroke and myself each failed what's usually an easy climb:

(skip to 6 minute 30 second mark if that link doesn't take you there automatically)

Riding in the rain can be a blast!! :)
Riding in the rain can be a blast!! :icon_smile:

Not at 14*c lol.
But ill ride in anything.
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Well even getting soaked and riding home, I still had a blast.

Really sorry for being so slow, I'd like to chalk up to my tires, but I'm sure it's more my skill level.

Sucks that Stu and I got separated.

All in all, had a great time and came home with a broken windscreen, turning signal, and leaking oil.

P.S. a big thanks to Fred for the bolts that were missing from my bike.
Hey Guys,
Had a great ride, sorry we got separated.
Came to a trailhead and we went the wrong way.
We`ll have to do it again soon.
Thanks N3WMAN for putting it together.
Thanks Z1K for leading.
Well even getting soaked and riding home, I still had a blast.

Really sorry for being so slow, I'd like to chalk up to my tires, but I'm sure it's more my skill level.

Sucks that Stu and I got separated.

All in all, had a great time and came home with a broken windscreen, turning signal, and leaking oil.

P.S. a big thanks to Fred for the bolts that were missing from my bike.
No problem,with all thing considered I hope you had a good time.Hope you can make it out again soon,im sure with better tires you will do just fine.
Thanks to everyone for coming out. Thanks especially to Z1K for leading, even if you always choose the hardest route possible. Sucks that we got separated.

We got soaked to the bone when the rain hit down. Still did some gnarly hillclimbs in the mud and played around in the sand.

Good fun all around.

Hope to see some of you next time.
Great ride. The rain just made it that much more interesting. Sorry to those who got separated. Not sure what happened there.

Thanks for putting it together Newman, and huge thanks to twostroke for giving me your spare sparkplug. My day would have ended pretty early without it.
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