I have a Playbook and a Galaxy Tab 10.1. I like them both but they have different uses. I use the Playbook for work stuff bridged to my BB (so dont have to worry about wifi) I use the Galaxy for down time stuff (reading Kindle when I dont have my Kindle, news, movies). I find the resolution on the Playbook to be much better than the Galaxy but the smaller screen turns me off for movies (not really sure why, maybe the 50" tv has spoiled me)
Having said all that, I prefer my laptop to both of them. I am more productive, work wise, with the laptop and my screen is larger than both the PB and tab. All in all I would guess i use my laptop 90% of the time, PB about 6% and tab about 4% (see how that adds up to 100? )
Having said all that, I prefer my laptop to both of them. I am more productive, work wise, with the laptop and my screen is larger than both the PB and tab. All in all I would guess i use my laptop 90% of the time, PB about 6% and tab about 4% (see how that adds up to 100? )