Galaxy tab 10.1 or iPAD 2, which one to get ??


Well-known member
I am looking at getting a tablet for personal use, and I am trying to decide which is better?
I think I have narrowed it down to the galaxy 10.1 and the ipad 2.
I dont use a MAC or have an iphone, I use an HP laptop at home and an IBM thinkpad at work and have a BB cell.
I like the portability of a tablet, the forward and rear ward camera, the tethering option if needed, and the fact that they both have tons of apps.
But which one to buy ??

Thanks for your input/help.....
Completely biased response, but I say iPad2. At this point in time, it doesn't appear that the Android guys have figured out how to make a competitive tablet.

iPad3 should be right around the corner if you can wait though
The whole android non-upgradability mess has me wary of that ecosystem. If the tablet does everything you want go ahead and get it, but if you expect that something will be added in the future, historically it hasn't panned out. RIM is circling the toilet (and hopefully recovers), but again, if it's not already out, I just assume they will never get around to releasing it. That leaves the iPad which is a damned expensive toy.

My wife has an iPad 1 and it gets used sometimes, but not nearly as much as my laptop. Tablets are neat toys, but I personally wouldn't spend more than a couple hundred on one (for the $500+ for an iPad I can buy things I would use more often and get more enjoyment from).
It would be great to list one or the other. You need to spend time with any tablet and find out if you truly want/need one.

9/10 people hate/dislike/lose interest in them. They do not do what you want or how you want to.
you could use grandma's ipad or the super tech's android and conclude if you like them or not.

Do yourself a fav and not buy a rim tablet.
trolling right?

I think the Playbook is likely the best solution. RIM isn't going anywhere for a long while at least, the PB is dirt cheap and very competent and it's greatest strength linking with a BB like the OP has.
PlayBook screen is too small. Not to mention its an unfinished product with hardly any developer support. JUNK! There's a reason RIM was unloading them for a hundred bucks.

The iPad2 and Tab10.1 are well polished products and the screens are the perfect size. You won't go wrong with either. The iPad2 feels snappier though, the interface is less eye candy and more function, whereas the Tab feels a little cluttered (like all Android products) and doesn't QUITE have the same buttery smooth touch response that the iPad (and all iOS devices) are known for.

Developer support is better for iOS, there are more iPad-specific apps on the market than there are for the Galaxy Tab.

The one drawback for iOS is NO FLASH support. Most websites have long ago ditched flash, but some still haven't... thus, you won't be able to watch video streaming sites (most of them) and you won't be able to use the occasional [outdated] flash website.
I'd say go with the PB first, only because its cheap at $200 and still a decent product!

Decide if tablets are for you, then upgrade down the road when you are ready. Tablet market will only grow in the coming years and prices will tumble.

Tablets are here to stay and have their place, however, having owned a PB now for a few months, I am able to deduce two things........

1) paying $619+ for an iPad is crazee! But good on Apple for finding suckers.

2) a tablet will never replace my laptop.

16gb model is 519$. Samsung Tab is on sale now for $399 but was 500+ until very recently.

Samsung wants to move these units so they cut the pricing down.

No manufacturer has yet been able to move enough tablets to match Apples pricing while still maintaining a profit. The FACT is that manufacturing costs for these devices are still prohibitively high. The reason Apple had no competition is because nobody could build an iPad competitor for NEAR the same price.
Thanks everybody for your insight, I think I am leaning towards the ipad 2 right now. Turns out my brother is getting the Galaxy Tab free from Rogers next week for his new bundle contract, so I will check it out first before I buy. But I think that apple has won me over.....
Rim announced a new phone with the tablet operating system, I'm actually interested, they stole the ideas for the tablet software from palm so I may finally find a phone to replace my 3 year old pre. I have a BB for work and I hate that damn 20 year old operating system.

ok there's the clincher, Paulo's buying a black berry the platform is going to be killed. <jk> I bet if you look back paulo owned a betamax, Laserdisk & a HD-DVD player.
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