From Toronto to PEI Help

Traffic tickets are reciprocal across provinces (and some states). I'm not sure about equipment tickets
AC works.

I'm just worried about these bylaw tickets I feel as if they're not worth paying if I get them.

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Why not're a rider have info for us ...a number of riders are going this year including us on Saturday ....cough up :D
So far the weather from Quebec to new brunswick has been so bipolar.

One second it's beautiful outside the next it's pouring buckets of rain


5 minutes later

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St John new brunswick. Weather over here is holding up

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So far the trip is going great, couldn't have asked for a better week to do this trip with the weather.

There was some bike thing going on in Moncton, I dunno it just brought out the loud obnoxious Harley crew. Some guy started walking through the pedestrian walkway while I was already in the middle of the intersection and starts pointing to the sign. Was wearing a Harley jacket sooooo had no choice but to stereotype. Sorry.

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we're two days behind you via Routn-Noranda - nice 700+ km ride - kids sore - I'm fine :D leave some good weather for us
we're two days behind you via Routn-Noranda - nice 700+ km ride - kids sore - I'm fine :D leave some good weather for us
How are the roads you're taking? I noticed they're very twisty and coastal. I hope to do that one day but in the car that gets too expensive with gas.

I'm sure you already know this but careful for the wildlife. Saw a dead deer and 2 busted cars on the side of the road today. Even in the car I'm scared of these things I'm always looking left and right. A moose would kill me in this car.

Lots of bikers out around here though so you'll most likely meet new people. Not many Ontarians, however. This is one of the few I saw

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That's a sick camping spot. Looks like a great time

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Very cloudy up in Cape Breton today hopefully they clear up at least for the night so I can see the stars

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Cabot trail was an amazing drive but good luck to any motorcyclist trying that with all the gravel and bumps

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I forgot to note in my last post the amount of construction was unbearable. Motorcyclists should expect kilometers worth of gravel and roadwork

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I got a ticket, it was bound to happen. 20 over in NS, apparently that carries a 7 day license suspension. I know the points and fine carry over but does the suspension carry over too?

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I got a ticket, it was bound to happen. 20 over in NS, apparently that carries a 7 day license suspension. I know the points and fine carry over but does the suspension carry over too?

I looked at reciprocity agreements between provinces and I don't see anything showing between ON and NS, so I don't think they can enforce it (licence suspension) nor will it (or the points) show up on your abstract here. You'll probably still want to pay the fine.

This info was based on a cursory few searches and data from this website, so I wouldn't take it as gospel, but I think you're OK. I suppose technically, for the next 7 days, NS could consider your licence invalid if the ticket is registered in their system so I'd mind your P's and Q's and not attract any more attention.

On a different note, 20 over is a 7 day suspension...that's interesting, and people cry and moan about our "draconian" laws here in Ontario. :rolleyes:
I looked at reciprocity agreements between provinces and I don't see anything showing between ON and NS, so I don't think they can enforce it (licence suspension) nor will it (or the points) show up on your abstract here. You'll probably still want to pay the fine.

This info was based on a cursory few searches and data from this website, so I wouldn't take it as gospel, but I think you're OK. I suppose technically, for the next 7 days, NS could consider your licence invalid if the ticket is registered in their system so I'd mind your P's and Q's and not attract any more attention.

On a different note, 20 over is a 7 day suspension...that's interesting, and people cry and moan about our "draconian" laws here in Ontario. :rolleyes:

The 7-day suspension there applies to any speeding offence, even only 10 over. Kind of makes you wonder what the 85th percentile speed is in Nova Scotia. ;)

In any case, the Ontario demerit point scale for the equivalent Ontario offence will apply when it comes to Ontario drivers nabbed for speeding in NS, and with it, Ontario's demerit-based penalties for the equivalent offence.

On the 7-day suspension, the license was not seized at the time of offence. If it was, then yes, technically at least in Nova Scotia the license would have been suspended. Suspension for seeding that would apply only after conviction. Judging by the wording and suspension/reinstatement mechanisms described in Nova Scotia's traffic statutes, it also looks like it would apply only to Nova Scotia licenses.
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