From Sport bike to Cruiser - bike recommendations?

If touring and 2 up, I lean towards a Honda ST1100 after '96 model (40 amp alternator), but then I am biased. An ST1300 would be good too and both will fit your budget nicely. Beware they are heavy at standstill but balance right up when you start moving.

If touring and 2 up, I lean towards a Honda ST1100 after '96 model (40 amp alternator), but then I am biased. An ST1300 would be good too and both will fit your budget nicely. Beware they are heavy at standstill but balance right up when you start moving.

I like them. I wouldn't call them cruisers and they definitely wouldn't be high on my list to use in the city.
I like them. I wouldn't call them cruisers and they definitely wouldn't be high on my list to use in the city.
I wasn't going to mention them because of the cruiser request, but when I looked at the updated first post, to focus more on the tour aspect, I couldn't hold back any longer.
May not be to everyone taste, but looks clean and is 2 up ready and within you budget.
May not be to everyone taste, but looks clean and is 2 up ready and within you budget.

Good eye..
If the original poster still has their VFR800 (? not sure exactly which), keep that. Not going to get much better than that for sport-touring capability while still being manageable for commuting.

If the original poster has a new-bike itch for something of that sort, BMW F800R/F800GT/F900R, or any of the Kawasaki Z's, or any of the Yamaha MT's. All are manageable weight for commuting. I know luggage is available for the BMW models listed - every time I've rented a motorcycle for sport-touring on holidays, it has been a BMW F800something, and the only one I didn't like was the GS (the one everyone else loves for some reason that I cannot comprehend - too high, too soft, too vague).
Yamaha VStar 650
Suzuki Volusia 800

caught my eye. Thoughts?
I tried everything in the cruiser market with the exception of the power segment. Had access to lots of lightweights, VX250, S40, Vstar 660, - tame and well-mannered bikes setup for beginners, great in the city, but forget 2-up or touring.

I ruled out the heavies. Everything felt like my 95 Lincoln Town car -- rolling couches -- couldn't picture me suffering thru city or spirited tour riding.

I focussed on the midweight segment -- Honda Shadow, Vulcan 900, Vstar 950 and Sportster 1200, and a Suzuki M50 (Volusia 800). Did not try a Rebel 1000. Ruled out the Sporty and Shadow, both nice, but slow, plain, and a bit boring to ride. After riding all of them, I bought an M50 (Suzy Volusia), but would have been happy with the Vstar 900/1100 or Vulcan 900, bu the M50 was the best overall in both performance and comfort.

Not likely you'll find a decent late model power cruiser in your budget, maybe an older Vmax.

On your 2 choices -- I'd rule out the Vstar 650, it's very much a beginner's bike better suited to your pillion rider. I bought the Suzuki 800, I'd do it again.
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