Friday the 13th @ Port Dover

It’s a nice ride from this area to Dover. Do it often and change up a bit of the route each time.

As much as I wanted to go with my newly acquired Buell, I just couldn’t.

I do love seeing all the different bikes out in the wild. Even if some where trailered. Some can be rolling art.

As much as I appreciate it, it’s just not my scene. I need bikes that can ride and not worry about bug guts, rock chips, or can’t perform beyond my own abilities. And that ain’t saying much.

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I'm camping instead this year.

Had I not been I probably would have gone for the ride. For me it's about checking out some cool bikes mixed in amongst the 9000 black Harleys, having a hotdog or whatever, and riding home. I couldn't have cared less that none of the vendors were there, most of it was junk anyways. And I stopped buying motorcycle T Shirts as they somehow keep magically shrinking on me, FFS.
I imagine it handles like a dream. :rolleyes:

Think of the damage that thing would incur going up a steep driveway or curb...

It's pretty to look at tho'

Doubt that thing goes much further than the nearest Tim Hortons, and was probably trailered into Dover. You just don't see stuff like that going across the 401, or in the wild anywhere really.

I dunno, I try to be subjective and "respect all builds" when it comes to custom stuff (both cars and motorcycles, whatever else), but when form starts taking over function to the point where it's barely operable for it's originally intended purpose (IE, actually being a viable conveyance further than 250 feet up a perfectly flat street to a parking spot), well, ya lost me.
Decided to stay home. Webcam looks pretty lame, are they not allowing bike parking on Main St?

I'm calling fake. The street lights are on and it's not even 6pm.
Doubt that thing goes much further than the nearest Tim Hortons, and was probably trailered into Dover. You just don't see stuff like that going across the 401, or in the wild anywhere really.

I dunno, I try to be subjective and "respect all builds" when it comes to custom stuff (both cars and motorcycles, whatever else), but when form starts taking over function to the point where it's barely operable for it's originally intended purpose (IE, actually being a viable conveyance further than 250 feet up a perfectly flat street to a parking spot), well, ya lost me.

My perspective is art doesn't have to be functional. The bike doesn't pretend to be anything other than for show. Far from my taste, but I get it.

As an alternative to that aesthetic, check out Maxwell Hazan's stuff. I don't think anyone would argue that his stuff is anything but incredible. Probably even less ridable than this thing, but if I was uber rich I would 100% have one in my living room. Login • Instagram

I guess the "why" and the "what" are substitutes in this particular case. There's no "why" to a ride.
Perhaps, why Friday, the 13th. Wingman's comment answered that.
I’ve been a bunch of times, but only in the cooler months. It’s a pretty interesting time if you go in January or February. Some really crazy bikers show up and it’s not very busy - sometimes only 500-1000bikes, but still enough to see some interesting stuff.

If you go in the warmer months, you should plan to arrive early so you can a decent parking spot. Lineups for washrooms and good can be exceptionally long though, so plan ahead!
I’ve been a bunch of times, but only in the cooler months. It’s a pretty interesting time if you go in January or February. Some really crazy bikers show up and it’s not very busy - sometimes only 500-1000bikes, but still enough to see some interesting stuff.

If you go in the warmer months, you should plan to arrive early so you can a decent parking spot. Lineups for washrooms and good can be exceptionally long though, so plan ahead!
The only time I went was in February 2004. Sketchy ice patches between fields on the way there. When riding between fields, you got blown from the right shoulder to the far left side of the pavement, then use the gap at a tree line to get back on your side of the road. It was ~ zero on the way there and minus a whole bunch on the way home. Less ice when it was colder though.
I imagine it handles like a dream. :rolleyes:

Think of the damage that thing would incur going up a steep driveway or curb...

It's pretty to look at tho'
If they are "art", then they have to be "art" in 10 or 20 or 50 years. In 10 years most of those kind of bikes will be a pile of junk in the back of some shed.
If they are "art", then they have to be "art" in 10 or 20 or 50 years. In 10 years most of those kind of bikes will be a pile of junk in the back of some shed.
I want a Millyard so badly (almost any of them). I will never have enough money to get one. Bloody genius and good looking too.
Friday the 13th is Free Pass Day.

All the available cops in Haldimand-Norfolk are within a few km of Port Dover and the ones in the surrounding areas are concentrating on the main routes into and out of it.
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