Friday June 29th, 7pm - Timmies Woodbridge ZX6R Group Meet and Ride

First West End Friday Meet Location

  • Woodbridge - Martin Grove and HWY#7

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Brampton - The Gore Road and Queen (HWY#7)

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
ROGO aren't you on a Ninja 250? or did you jump to the 6R already?

I still have the 250 and just got the ZX6R this past Friday. :)

I know you will be traveling out West so if I don't see you before you go, have a safe ride and post about your adventure!
My heart desires a naked bike, however my soul must somehow bleed green, considering I got 2 Ninja's in such a short time.

Kiai!!! Sense Kiai!!!
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I had green kawi for years and i used to say GO GREEN OR GO HOME- But now i have the monster edition- go figure!!!!lol
I did my best to turn my 250 in to a "Special Edition" Monster 250 lol. Green Team, Monster Theme!
my only suggestion to this post would be a different meeting spot... that timmies is packed on fridays and saturdays just saying dont want to chance any accidents with those turbo timbits due to there need to show off in a confined parking lot.
Change is the only constant! Variety is the spice of life...

This thread looks promising with a good group of people looking to meet for this Friday and hopefully more Fridays to come. I've put a poll on this thread for you guys to vote on for the first official meet spot. Both are pretty close to each other in location with a Tims to congregate before and after the ride.

Each location is somewhat equidistant from the 427 and quick access to 407 for those who are coming from further away with gas stations along HWY7(Queen Street). You can find the link on the first post which I've updated and will continue to update for each weekly meet.

Since I was planning to head north west for the ride it would probably be best to select the Brampton meet spot about 5 minutes west of Martin Grove along HWY7.

I believe I've planned a good route for us all that I will hopefully test ride before the meet, to check time and distance. Regardless I've taken the route several different ways before and I'm sure all riders will enjoy it.

Bring on the Green!

PS. I ride traditional Ninja Assassin colours. Black and stealthy. Twist the wrist... Poof!!! Gone! :)
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The timmies at Martin grove and hwy 7 won't get busy until later on at night. Plus, we can just park and meet in the north east part of the parking lot away from the crowd and just take over that whole section with our bikes lol. "bike only parking"

Either way, I'm down for meeting anywhere.
Cool just make sure you guys vote on the poll and I'll post the confirmed meet spot by noon tomorrow.
Just make sure you guys vote on the Poll and I will post the confirmed Meet spot by noon tomorrow.

Remember they are only about 5 minutes apart from each other one with turbo timbits tire burners and one without. :)
Kawi ninja 250. You guys alright with us smaller riders tagging a long?!? I'm part of the kawi family! Show some love :(???

ME too I'm in as long as your okay with a newbie and with a nina 250 =)
PS. I ride traditional Ninja Assassin colours. Black and stealthy. Twist the wrist... Poof!!! Gone! :)

I'm all black everything =) I'll get some reflective tape lol hahahah
my only suggestion to this post would be a different meeting spot... that timmies is packed on fridays and saturdays just saying dont want to chance any accidents with those turbo timbits due to there need to show off in a confined parking lot.

Good idea!

You got to love Woodbridge and the posers and squids that comes along with
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