Do those bikes run or are they just for show?
They are actually small scale models, it's just an illusion, trick photography.
This thread is going to be more epic than carrots down a toilet.
That sir, would be impossible. I'm sure that thread went viral on several forums, Plumbers, Toilet research and development chat rooms, Physics students, Mysteries of the universe etc...
Agave, when I follow the restaurant link I end up in a flikr acct looking at pictures of wooden mailboxes with a paper
towel rack.
1. why a towel rack on a mailbox?
2. see question 1
Well now i have to tell a whole long story to explain.
The first mailbox was requested by my dad to accommodate the delivery of his newspaper without him having to find it in the snow or rain.
Looking at the sad metal box he had with the saggy hooks told me it needed to be made with some good ol' wood, so i made a box with 2 stronger hooks for the paper.
I placed a rolled up newspaper in the slots, works perfect, or so i thought. I had forgotten the most important factor, human laziness.
Early next saturday morning, i receive a complaint by phone, "my newspaper has fallen!"
I immediately grabbed some tools and wood and headed out to this emergency situation.
Upon arrival, i find my dad testing the hooks by inserting and removing the newspaper, he cannot understand how this design has failed.
After inspection and some speculation, i decided the paper was not being installed by a stationary human, but by one in motion.
Further testing proved my theory, speed and bad timing was causing this dilemma, i needed some room for error.
So the "towel rack" was born.
The addition of this simple piece of wood was enough to keep the paper off the ground, even with a half arsed attempt.
I hope i have answered this question in time for you to read it before bed as i am sure this mystery would have kept you up all night.