FREE TICKETS! GTAM at the Toronto Motorcycle Show - Dec 9-11 2011

Re: GTAM at the Toronto Motorcycle Show - Dec 9-11 2011

If we accept that marginally more women show up because they get in free, would it not make more sense for a girl to show up on another night and pay full price so she can get both first dibs and have more men competing for her attention, instead of on Ladies Night where she has to compete with gaggles of other girls for a picked-over sausage buffet?

All things equal etc..
You put a lot of thought into this didn't you. I'm not sure how many women show up on Friday because it's free and they expect to find the man of their dreams there. Also not sure how many women would pay to enter a show they don't want to be in but hope they might find a guy who is there to look at bikes, not women.
Re: GTAM at the Toronto Motorcycle Show - Dec 9-11 2011

FREE pair of tickets for the person that has post # 264 in this thread!

That post must include the words - "See you at the SHOW"

If post # 264 does not have those words in it...the first post after 264 with those words will win!


Good luck folks!

Re: GTAM at the Toronto Motorcycle Show - Dec 9-11 2011

this is new.
Re: GTAM at the Toronto Motorcycle Show - Dec 9-11 2011

So I guess people are going to bump this until it hits the 250's & then have a post ready waiting to go for post #263, should make for some interesting diversions.
Re: GTAM at the Toronto Motorcycle Show - Dec 9-11 2011

So I guess people are going to bump this until it hits the 250's & then have a post ready waiting to go for post #263, should make for some interesting diversions.
I'm only in it for the adrenaline rush! lol... Don't care much for the tickets tbh.
Re: GTAM at the Toronto Motorcycle Show - Dec 9-11 2011


I could use javascript, ajx, perl, or php and write something like

for (int i=50; i<264; i++){
print i;
print "See you at the SHOW"

I wonder if this site is in php, could do php injection then lol
is there a prize for taking bets on what time we will hit 264 posts.

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