Free photo editor is very similar in layout and use as Photoshop. Aside from the lack of airbrush. 🤬
I suggest finding a local design student. Give them a couple bucks to do it for you. Check Marketplace or Kijiji? Maybe search for freelance design or graphic design tutor.
They would have a student license for Photoshop, and have the skill. A student would likely charge around $35/hour (in my area) and it wouldn't take an hour to do it. It would likely take me 15-20 minutes max, depend on the complexity of the background, but I've been doing this a long time.
Hubby and I prearranged our end of days celebrations (aka funerals) and prepaid for our final resting places as well...we opted for cremation and purchased a niche which will have a small oval picture of the two of us.

My question is this...I have a few pictures that I'm thinking of using but don't know how to edit out people in the background (we took one at some falls on Manitoulin Island but it has a bunch of sightseers that I'd like to remove)...found a couple of free editing software but don't want to download without knowing if they're any good and legit...would also like to be able to size it to the proper dimensions of the actual ceramic picture which would be 6cm x 8cm.

Any suggestions on what to use?
You may or may not want to use James Fridman.

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