Free Mandarin on Canada Day

It's not about the free food. It's a joyous celebration of our great country and a chance to break bread with actual immgrants.
It's not about the free food. It's a joyous celebration of our great country and a chance to break bread with actual immgrants.

You're an import. Will going for a Guinness at Rebel's Rock with you count as breaking bread?
It's not about the free food. It's a joyous celebration of our great country and a chance to break bread with actual immgrants.

Just curious if you full out choked while saying that?

Personally a full out canadian here. I feel no need to go to, of all places, the mandarin.

I'll be doing the true Canadian thing and sitting back, in front of a fire with a cold beer. The only thing that would make it better is hockey. (And yes... that is actually what ill be doing, and hockey would make it better. I AM that Canadian, the stereotypical one)

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It's not about the free food. It's a joyous celebration of our great country and a chance to break bread with actual immgrants.

Lol, thanks I will brake bread at the dining table with my family.
You know what's worse then waiting in line for free food? People on the internet making fun of these people. Talk about getting a life.

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I bet I could make some good money selling McD's cheeseburgers to all the hungry ppl waiting in line for hours.
"you here foh howah!" :lol:

must see :

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It’s funny how North American pride them selves so much.
Eat Chinese food, buy Chinese goods, driving in their Asian cars using Arab oil.

North American pride is the biggest pile of sh-t I have ever seen.

Ya, and everybody else wants to come here and do the same. Weird huh?
I wonder if people will line up a day before

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS n
Hopefully the shitter isn't backed up!

Good luck to you crazy kids who decide that this will be a fun way to enjoy Canada day!
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