Found this in the dumpster

I had mice in my last appartment and it was horrible cus I put out poison and every week I would have to refill the bin and they weren't dying. Eventually it stopped but the next year they were back. I opted to catch them and release them outside. Was sooo aborable to come home the next day to find two mice huddled outside my door. I got a cage and kept them from then on.

snap traps & peanut butter. i'm in an old farm house, kicking them out would just mean they come back in the way they came. dealing with mice or other pests you have to make it so the place isn't attractive to them, no food, no where to hide.
who in their right mind would throw away a perfectly good coon... someone obviously has no cooking skills.
cat fights raccoons. cat wins, it was entertaining,and coons are dead

if the coons win, cat is dead, coons still get crushed when the garbage empties

this is win/win from all scenarios hehehe

Brotha, my two wee beasties caught wind of what you wrote, and they ain't impressed...

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Brotha, my two wee beasties caught wind of what you wrote, and they ain't impressed...


No time is a good time for a red X but this time it's really no good. No good at all.
Brotha, my two wee beasties caught wind of what you wrote, and they ain't impressed...


Tell them there is a dirty, foul mouthed, bacon eating, smelly yetti in the world that hates all other animals and they should use him as an example of what NOT to ever do or say. :lol:
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cat fights raccoons. cat wins, it was entertaining,and coons are dead

if the coons win, cat is dead, coons still get crushed when the garbage empties

this is win/win from all scenarios hehehe

You've obviously never seen the results of a cat fighting a racoon.

Had one rip my outdoor cat open before.

That suggestion is as bad as my old dog's for bathing cats:

Put shampoo in toilet.
Put cat in toilet.
Close lid.
Flush several times for a power wash/rinse.
(don't try this - it would be stupid)

Try putting a skunk in that might work.
Well apparently the Racoon's didn't find any of your ideas amusing. They also called in some friends, there were 8 in there this morning. One of my co-workers said there were 10 in there a couple days ago.

Trying to get a video of them all leaving, it looks hilarious because they are all in a big line.
Must be some deelish lunch leftovers in there. :lol:
Well apparently the Racoon's didn't find any of your ideas amusing. They also called in some friends, there were 8 in there this morning. One of my co-workers said there were 10 in there a couple days ago.

Trying to get a video of them all leaving, it looks hilarious because they are all in a big line.

Wow - 8 in the same bin with food and no fighting? I remember camping when I was a kid and the coons would be hissing, growling, screaming, etc, fighting over our food packs hanging in the trees. It was scary in the middle of the night!
Wow - 8 in the same bin with food and no fighting? I remember camping when I was a kid and the coons would be hissing, growling, screaming, etc, fighting over our food packs hanging in the trees. It was scary in the middle of the night!

You resurrected a nine month old thread for that? Okaaayy....:rolleyes:
depends what you feed them (i do not condone poisoning them as no poison i know of is fast and humane).

Yetti's suggestion was to chuck in a cat. Like I said feeding them won't get rid of them. We had to have part of one cat's skin reattached to his body once after a racoon encounter, and it was a very large rangy male cat.

Yetti has obviously never seen the two meet.

The skunk suggestion still goes.
Yetti's suggestion was to chuck in a cat. Like I said feeding them won't get rid of them. We had to have part of one cat's skin reattached to his body once after a racoon encounter, and it was a very large rangy male cat..

yup, make sure you keep the pet cats outside where they belong.......
yup, make sure you keep the pet cats outside where they belong.......

The wife's cats are inside permanently now.
Bears are getting hungry around this time of the season, not to mention the brush wolves, foxes, skunks, porcupines etc. etc.

Had enough of the expensive cat repairs.

They might eventually get a cat run if we can find a spot to put it, or we might switch to my preferred "fur free" zone when they're gone.
You resurrected a nine month old thread for that? Okaaayy....:rolleyes:

Oh, I suppose I did - LOL! But the coons do look very content in the confines of that small place. I'd love to see a pic of 8. Guess it's too late.
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They can be nasty little critters. i had one as a pet when i was a kid in the east coast. they are like a cat when they are tamed
How long was it tame for? I've heard they get vicious after a few years regardless of how well you tamed them. Especially if they aren't fixed. I've always wanted one as a pet but since I heard they get vicious (both reading online and because my mother told me one of my uncles had one for a year when he was a kid, they also had a monkey they found outside african lion safari at one point) and the legality of it was a grey area, I dropped the idea.

Those who have never had a confrontation with one of these animals would call you an ***.
What kind of confrontations have you had with coons that made you think you need to shoot them? I've had quite a few and they never really do much beyond steal my food when I'm camping and make a mess of the garbage on occasion.
chuck in a cat
As long as it's not yours, I guess that could work.

Almost every night I get to watch a stream of them come out of the bushes and climb into the dumpster behind my gf's building. Lately they've been coming along the lighted back side of the building too and you can sit and watch them from the fire escape. They're pretty cute, fat things.

I brought a baby one home once about 8 years ago after I found it sitting in the middle of the street. My parents made me go put it back. It was REALLY cute. Full of bugs though. My mother brought 4 of them home another time when she found them huddled in a ball in the middle of the road.
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