Found the guy that stole my helmet! just |

Found the guy that stole my helmet! just

Well he didn't exactly 'steal' it.

Okay. Three or four weeks ago I was washing my bike at my building. I have no garage so I kept having to make trips to my second floor apartment and back to the bike. Before I started I went to CT to buy a couple of things, as soon as I got back I started washing it. I put my helmet by my bike and went at it. When I finished I got caught up in a call I received and ran up stairs to check some banking **** totally forgetting my helmet. Time went by and finally it was time to ride when I realize holy **** I forgot my ****ing helmet outside!!!!!!! SMFH! I was so disappointed in myself that day.... Man.... Anyway, I go back to my bike and obviously, the helmets gone, I'm thinking some crack head got a free twenty piece tonight. I went the next day and bought a new one and everything was good. I ****ed up and I had to live with it. Cool.

Flash forward to tonight. I was going to a hook up or two but was too tired so I decided to chill and do some work. Around 10:45 I started jonzing so I hit the DVP, swung by KC and LL, didn't stay long cuz I was still beat and just came back home. I parked and was leaving the lot when I thought I better get some stuff out of the trunk. While I was walking back to the bike I heard some kind of commotion. At this point I starting rushing to see what was going on thinking "if these ****ing zombies -this is completely wrong, I should know better- are back there, someone's getting ****ed up. I start speed walking, someone's getting it tonight, I turn the corner and there's a guy at the dumpster calling for his cat and i recognize him, it's a guy I see once in a blue moon that lives in the building beside mine. I walk over to him and as soon as he sees me he's like "Hey I saved your helmet for you!" with a eastern European accent..... Huh? I'm ****ing confused. I came here to beat on some crack heads and youre telling me you have my lid? Nice! He tells me that he saw it by the bike with me not around so he picked it up before an addict did, and that he was looking for me ever since, asking neighbours of my whereabouts and what not. Wow! I shook dude's hand, we shared some small talk, found out some interesting titbits about my neighbours -hehe- and parted ways.... Man this pizza is great!. I didn't edit this.
That was nice of him. Lots of stuff you could have left out
Well he didn't exactly 'steal' it.

Okay. Three or four weeks ago I was washing my bike at my building. I have no garage so I kept having to make trips to my second floor apartment and back to the bike. Before I started I went to CT to buy a couple of things, as soon as I got back I started washing it. I put my helmet by my bike and went at it. When I finished I got caught up in a call I received and ran up stairs to check some banking **** totally forgetting my helmet. Time went by and finally it was time to ride when I realize holy **** I forgot my ****ing helmet outside!!!!!!! SMFH! I was so disappointed in myself that day.... Man.... Anyway, I go back to my bike and obviously, the helmets gone, I'm thinking some crack head got a free twenty piece tonight. I went the next day and bought a new one and everything was good. I ****ed up and I had to live with it. Cool.

Flash forward to tonight. I was going to a hook up or two but was too tired so I decided to chill and do some work. Around 10:45 I started jonzing so I hit the DVP, swung by KC and LL, didn't stay long cuz I was still beat and just came back home. I parked and was leaving the lot when I thought I better get some stuff out of the trunk. While I was walking back to the bike I heard some kind of commotion. At this point I starting rushing to see what was going on thinking "if these ****ing zombies -this is completely wrong, I should know better- are back there, someone's getting ****ed up. I start speed walking, someone's getting it tonight, I turn the corner and there's a guy at the dumpster calling for his cat and i recognize him, it's a guy I see once in a blue moon that lives in the building beside mine. I walk over to him and as soon as he sees me he's like "Hey I saved your helmet for you!" with a eastern European accent..... Huh? I'm ****ing confused. I came here to beat on some crack heads and youre telling me you have my lid? Nice! He tells me that he saw it by the bike with me not around so he picked it up before an addict did, and that he was looking for me ever since, asking neighbours of my whereabouts and what not. Wow! I shook dude's hand, we shared some small talk, found out some interesting titbits about my neighbours -hehe- and parted ways.... Man this pizza is great!. I didn't edit this.

almost as good as those old masterpiece theater stories, remember the one with the old dude in the chair with the boring British accent, yeah, almost as good as his stories.
you could have said,

washed my bike
left helmet outside
went back it was gone
had to but a new one
days later a neighbour returned it

oh the magic of paraphrasing, being that you posted at 1:41am I hope you were very intoxicated, that would atleast give a reason for your rambling on.
glad you have your lid back, now you have an extra for when your go trolling for chicks.......or dudes, whatever your pleasure.
Cool story! (seriously, I enjoyed it)
Now you have a spare lid in case one day it really does get stolen lol.
I forgot my fancy lid on my bike in the underground parking once. I only realised it a few days later. It was still there, but dustier.
I was really hoping it DID turn out to be zombies...
Cool story bro! (seriously, I enjoyed it)
Now you have a spare lid in case one day it really does get stolen lol.


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