Found my bike on the ground today. | Page 4 |

Found my bike on the ground today.

Might be OK then. Good luck.
Ohh man how i feel your pain. My bike got knocked over last year on left side, and guess what, it got knocked over on my right side last week, luckily, first time I've got all the information about the person who did it, did collision report, brought it to my mechanic, he did the overview, bike ended up as a write off, called insurance said that I want to keep the bike and will fix it my self, got a nice paycheck from the insurance and fixed the damn thing.

Now, a taxi driver knocked it over to the right side, good thing i was attending a party where a lot of people were outside and noticed that the bike was knocked down, could not find me, so taxi driver left his phone info. I've called the guy he started to complain about not going to insurance and he will be willing to pay me 200$ for the damages (lol). I've told him that I will go to insurance and he refused the provide all the info. Went to the collision center, asked the cop to give him a call and he eventually agreed. Now I have to wait for the insurance move. I don't have collision on my insurance but good thing that the liability would cover it since the taxi driver showed up and his insurance would pay for the damages.
question - did you tell your insurance company you had alll these mods on your bike before the claim?
I didnt tell them before that i had the mods, but they did give extra money for them not the total amount they cost but like 40%.
statefarm was easy to deal with, i just emailed them everything.

buy back was $3000, pretty good but i didn't want to deal with repairing.

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